i'm looking for any kind of used equip that may help me to get my system running i have nothing as of now......items needed are filter, pumps , pwr heads, heaters etc etc....thanks
Sorry, I've got some bigger things that I could trade with locals that would be too expensive to ship. But I would suggest checking out a local reefing club if you have one nearby. I was able to get some great deals from club members when I really got into reefkeeping.
I have a sump, 175w bell pendant halide, titanium heater, powerhead, 110gallon reef ready tank and stand, 20g high stand, vho light strip one bulb, maybe more
shoogieboo, Little giant is a external water pump rated for 810 gph and the model 4-MDQ-SC means that this pump is for use in pressure situations like in-line filters, skimmers etc.