equipt , ordering and livestock help please


Hey. I'm back... and I need some expert advice.
I made a bunch of newbie mistakes. But I learned a lot.
I now have a QT running and I've sucessfully added my first healthy fish!!
I have a 29 gallon, 40lbs of live rock, 3-4 inch sandbed, 2 300gph PH's, an eclipse 3 hood w/ 40 watts of lighting and a biowheel, (eclipse newbie mistake #1) temp: 80, pH 8.2, Amonia: 0, Nitrites: 0 Nitrates: 0.
After an ick problem and 2 fatalities I set up a QT. While waiting for my liverock to lose the ick I had some snail fatalities due to my PH's. I solved that by putting bioballs over the intakes. During the time with limited snails I had a hair algae-fest. I cleaned that by going no lights for 3 weeks. During that span I sucessfully QT'd a Clarkii. I purchased a half dozen astrea and 3 mexican turbo's. They seem to be keeping my rocks in good shape now. I also have 3 scarlet hermits and a peppermint shrimp.
Q1: I think I need to upgrade my cleaning crew. Perhaps a few more Scarlet hermits, some nassarius, a fighting conch... I want to keep my sand bed clean. I live in upstate NY near syracuse and the temp is low. I can't find these items locally, any suggestions on LFS in central NY? Can I order sucessfully from SWF.com in the winter? Will the livestock survive the shipping with the cold? Would you suggest other additions to this cleaning crew?
Q2: I want to move towards reef ready. I need to ditch the eclipse obviously. As with everyone $$ is a concern. I was thinking of adding a protein skimmer first. Then a retrofit and a DIY hood. Is that the right order? Skimmer first - then lights? I like the CPR 2 backpack - good idea? Would my filtration be ok w/ just the live rock and a CPR BP? I am thinking of buying used to save $$, any thoughts on that?. For lights I am looking at a Coralife PC retrofit, 130 watts w/ a 10,000k and an acintic. Any input on that choice?
Q3: If ordering from SWF in the winter is OK or if I can find another LFS in central NY I would consider adding a couple new fish. I might like a royal gramma, maybe a LMB or a bangai cardinal. Again, how are they shipping in the cold? A local LFS, where I purchased a nice clarkii, has a handful of bangaii cardinals. I had purchased a bangaii a month or two back frm a different LFS. He (or she) had an intestinal parasite and died in the QT, sadly. Is that still a problem? Are the SWF bangaii tankraised? I'm afraid to purchase them from a LFS. Any thoughts there? How are these 3 fish with a clarkii in a 29g? The clarkii is 2+ inches and right now he owns the tank.
This board has been a HUGE help in getting me set in the right direction. I was really discouraged starting out (no QT produced a sad stretch,::mad: ) but you have guided me right and got my spirits back up. A nice FOWLR with a happy fish!! Help me stay on the right track!


Active Member
A1: Shipping is same as awnser 3 as for your cleanup crew compare to how many cleanup critters are in the cleanup crews on websites and then make your own and use what ever snails, crabs, stars, ect. that you want just try and keep it around the same amount so not to over crowd on your cleanup crew and cause starving and dieing of animals.
A2: You would most likely go with a skimmer on a reef a cpr bakpak 2 would be very good for a 29. As for lights I think it is 3 or 4 watts per gallon just make sure to stay somwhere close to that. To much under and you wont be able to keep high lighting corals and to high and you will have alot of heat "can be solved with fans or a chiller".
A3: Most places like here on SWF.com use heating pads so they will stay warm through shipping make sure and read the gaurantee or the shipping status and see if they add chillers or heaters for shipping through hot and cold months.


I haven't yet had things shipped in the winter, so I don't know about that.
I have a 29 and my skimmer is the Bak Pak. It makes sense to me to get the skimmer first, since that's what I did.
Lights are the eternal question. Usually it depends upon what you want to have in your tank as far as corals. I knew I'd want an anemone someday, so I thought I'd need more light. I've decided to go with VHO, but don't have it in yet.


thanx sula
I'd be interested in hearing more about your 29.
Hows the cpr work? Do you have any other filtration besides LR? How much live rock do you have?
What fish?


I purchased the CPR based upon recommendations from multiple sources, and I have no complaints about it. I have no other mechanical filters. Two powerheads for circulation.
I started with 8 lbs of base rock and 20 lbs live rock on a 3 inch sand bed. I want to bump my live rock up a bit, just bought 5 more lbs of it yesterday. Cured, per the LFS, but I have it in a bucket of saltwater right now with a heater just so I can monitor it for a week or so before I put it in my tank. It's probably o.k. but I just don't want to take any chances.
I've got about 10 Nassarius snails (probably need a few more), an Emerald Crab, Porcelain Crab, and Coral-Banded Shrimp.
Oh and one evil little hermit crab who was disguised as a snail when I bought the group...
I have 3 fish. Yellow Watchman Goby, Maroon Clownfish and a Lawnmower Blenny.:D


Thanks for the info sula. How is your clown with his tankmates? I am a little concerned that my clarkii will be a poor neighbor to new additions. With only a 29g space is limited, and he owns the tank right now. I am unsure if I want to keep him solo. Of course, like everyone, I suffer from wanting to add a new fish syndrome.
As always the posters here are a huge help.
A newbie's best friend!
I would love anybody elses input...


The clown and the goby are very compatible - basically, because they are so different - the clown is swimming around the middle of the tank (he owns it, just like yours) and the goby pretty much "perches" on or near the bottom of the tank and watches the world go by.
The LMB is the newest fish. He is in and out of rocks, all over the tank, and the clown could care less, except when the LMB gets near the clown's favorite rock which has 2 mushrooms on it. Apparently the clown wants a host and in the absence of an anemone, it is choosing the shrooms. The LMB could care less. It hasn't gotten violent or anything, just a gentle "waving away" motion on the part of the clown.
My only regret is that I got the LMB before my light upgrade. It took him almost no time to clean all the algae out of my tank, and I feel that without more light there won't be enough algae to feed the little guy.


Sounds like I need a LMB.
I need to do some research on the yellow WG. I was orriginally thinking royal gramma. Do you know if they are similar in behavior and/or compatability w/ the yellow WG?
Anyway thanks for all the news!!
What lights are you looking at?
After the CPR of course... I am starting to like MH. Maybe an icecap ballast and one 200w. It may be big and hot for my 29 but I'd love to do a bigger tank down the road... after a move.
How are your shrooms now with your current light setup? What lighting do you have? Perhaps I could throw a ricordia in there with my next SWF order and be ok for a while?


Did a quick once over on the yellow WG... Does he or she burrow in your tank? What about jump? I have a hood now but I am thinking that with the skimmer and light upgrade the eclipse is a gonner...
I guess jumping is OK I can top off that... but the burrowing could be a pain.



Originally posted by slouiscar
Sounds like I need a LMB.
- yes, you do!! :)
I need to do some research on the yellow WG. I was orriginally thinking royal gramma. Do you know if they are similar in behavior and/or compatability w/ the yellow WG?
- No personal experience with the Royal Gramma, but my impression is that they like to dart in and out of the rockwork, just like the LMB so the combo of those 2 might be a problem
What lights are you looking at?
After the CPR of course... I am starting to like MH. Maybe an icecap ballast and one 200w. It may be big and hot for my 29 but I'd love to do a bigger tank down the road... after a move.
- Sounds like a good plan. I'm the kind of person who will probably still keep the 29 even once I get a bigger tank, so didn't really explore MH.
How are your shrooms now with your current light setup? What lighting do you have? Perhaps I could throw a ricordia in there with my next SWF order and be ok for a while?

:D :D
My shrooms are not too happy with the arrangement, I don't really recommend it. I purchased them knowing that if things got dire, I could always move the rock into my other tank. It's not quite that bad yet, but it's borderline.


Both the YWG and the LMB are potential jumpers, so have a plan for that in either case... in my tank, the LMB makes me much more nervous about this possibility that the goby. I see the LMB perched absolutely EVERYWHERE in that tank - sometimes right on top of the highest powerhead, which is only an inch from the surface!
The goby burrows a little, but not enough to be a pain or anything. He's actually a little shy, I think the LMB intimidates him a little, but he's getting over it.
One useful thing I stumbled across when I was deciding on fish was a Marine Compatibility Chart - do a web search on that, and you'll get a chart that tells you when you're safe or not with combining fish.
:D Sula


Well the new LMB is doing well. Breathing fine and moving around a bit. He is a bit shy right now but I expected that.
I only have one rock in the QT, for filtration help, and some pvc. Not a lot of algae, if any.
I have some spirulina algae flake. He didn't seem too interested just yet. I am sure he needs to get adjusted before eating. Any suggestions on feeding while he is in the QT?
3 weeks is a long time! I would love to move him to the main tank, but the LFS I found him at isn't quite as reliable as I would like. Patience is tough!


Good luck feeding - mine won't eat anything but algae. You may need to find a small algae-covered rock to put in QT with the guy if he seems to be running out of food...


Active Member
Well that is one thing about the "LMB" "good thing I figured out what that was :rolleyes: " They are very picky and really wont do well without algea they are neat but I have decided to not get one due to that reason.