equiptment recommendations


New Member
ok, new 40g tank, undrilled. Plan on using a good amount of live rock (40-60lbs), and all live sand. I'm picking up the tank/stand/lights in a few days and wanted to see what all of you fish gods have had the best luck with on the equiptment side.
I plan on starting off gradually with just a few fish after the cycle, but would like the ability to add in some inverts in the future if all goes well
The question is...what type/brand/power filter(s) would you go with, protein skimmer??, heater..1 or 2, and how powerful?
if you were starting this size tank right now, what would your setup consist of?
....as always, all help/advice greatly appreciated...this forum has been a godsend since i found it


Emperor 400 or Whisper 60 or AquaClear (?) power filter. Two, 150W, heaters, preferably titanium. Two Maxijet power heads, both 900 models, at least one having the Hydor rotating flow attachment. AquaC Remora protein skimmer, or Coralife skimmer. RO/DI filter system. Refractometer. Lots of test kits:
Later you can get test kits for alkalinity (or karbonate hardness) and Calcium.
Lights (too many options to list)


I would make a sump/refugium for the system. I love mine. You can store all pumps, heaters and protein skimmer in there. It gives you the ability to handle a heavier bio-load then powerfilters IMO. I have 6 fish in my tank and with the refugium I always have 0 nitrates and phosphates. I dont know why I didnt do the sump/refugium sooner!!


New Member
thank you both for the help...
Usinkit --- what exactly are you using for yours? that is the direction i would like to go if i can get a good idea on whats best, from what i hear people tell me it works out a lot better that way and pretty much everything is hidden from the tank as well


Iam using a 30 gallon long. I think its the greatest add on I did to my tank. If you need pictures I can post some.


I slide an emperror carbon filter down one of the baffles every once in awhile. Heres a couple of pitctures. Not the best but you sgould be able to see what i did.
