ethics in a fish store



I was in New Orleans today for work and on the way home I decided to stop into one of local stores. They had a beautiful softball sized green bubble coral. I asked the girl how much the bubble coral was and she responded that they did not have any. I pointed it out to her and she responded that it was a cnidaria coral, not a green bubble. I tried to explain to her what cnidaria meant but to no avail, I asked how much for the cnidaria. She said twenty bucks. So I gave her the money and left. I feel kind of guilty now as I have seen green bubbles this size for well over a hundred dollars,and I am sure the owner is not going to be happy with her. I would like to return to the store and pay the difference but I live/work in Baton Rouge and I only go to New Orleans when I have a trial there which is rare. I'm wondering what ya'll would do in this situation.


I would keep it. Not because "I got this amazing steal because this girl has no idea what she is talking about", but, because you already have it and tried to explain to her the difference. The owner shouldn't have even hired her if she doesn't know what she is talking about. She told you the price, you paid, you have it. I think it is ok.
personally I would keep it. You tried already and she told you a price. If you would have paid $100 for a $20 coral would the LFS call you and refund your money? I doubt it.
I would keep it. I went to a local fish store the other day and they had it written on the glass miniatus reg price 45 sale 39. I decided to come back the next day to get it, the fish was there but the price was gone, when I asked the guy who's in charge how much he said 60. I told him the price was 39 yesterday and he said the emplyees messes up sometimes and he was not there. And he did not budge from the 60 dollars. I was so mad.


I agree with Eaglephot, you did your best to be open and honest about the situation. I, too, have a rather sensitive conscious that I have to answer to, but I wouldn't lose any sleep over this one.

clown boy

Active Member
You tried. You were honest. She obviously decided that the price it was at was the price it was at.

clown boy

Active Member
I do not think that there has been an issue with such a unanimous response in the history of this board!


Active Member
IMO, she learned the word "cnidaria" from somebody, i.e. the owner might have told her that's what the coral is called. Have you dealt with the owner/boss before and do they seem knowledgeable?
FWIW, I wouldn't worry either way, for $20, after seeing prices from distributors, I really doubt they lost money on the transaction.


Active Member
There was the chance of an error on her part, but most of these hired helpers are quoting what the owner has told them, or marked on the glass. So there's a chance that the owner received something wrong from his supplier and he didn't even know what it was.


Well the green bubble coral is in my 150. It is quite beautiful. I really can not believe that nobody brought up an attorney/ethics joke.


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
IMO, she learned the word "cnidaria" from somebody, i.e. the owner might have told her that's what the coral is called. Have you dealt with the owner/boss before and do they seem knowledgeable?
FWIW, I wouldn't worry either way, for $20, after seeing prices from distributors, I really doubt they lost money on the transaction.

This was my first time in the shop. I live in Baton Rouge, about an hour away from New Orleans. I have a deposition two weeks from now in NOLA and plan to check the shop out again. They had some sweet lookin frogspawn.


Active Member
Originally Posted by LSU
I was in New Orleans today for work and on the way home I decided to stop into one of local stores. They had a beautiful softball sized green bubble coral. I asked the girl how much the bubble coral was and she responded that they did not have any. I pointed it out to her and she responded that it was a cnidaria coral, not a green bubble. I tried to explain to her what cnidaria meant but to no avail, I asked how much for the cnidaria. She said twenty bucks. So I gave her the money and left. I feel kind of guilty now as I have seen green bubbles this size for well over a hundred dollars,and I am sure the owner is not going to be happy with her. I would like to return to the store and pay the difference but I live/work in Baton Rouge and I only go to New Orleans when I have a trial there which is rare. I'm wondering what ya'll would do in this situation.
Where was the shop located? I was born and raised in new Orleans. Lived there for 40 years. The only salt water shop in New Orleans proper that I recall received about 10 feet of water after katrina located in lakeview on harrison Ave.


Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Where was the shop located? I was born and raised in new Orleans. Lived there for 40 years. The only salt water shop in New Orleans proper that I recall received about 10 feet of water after katrina located in lakeview on harrison Ave.
Ricks reef in metarie


I would sleep well at night do you relize how many times most lfs will lie cheat and basically ---- you if you dont do your homework ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by LSU
Well the green bubble coral is in my 150. It is quite beautiful. I really can not believe that nobody brought up an attorney/ethics joke.
well, we gave you the benefit of the doubt since your a fellow hobbyist...we all know that you attorneys are on the up and up...oh it begins....