ETSS 1st thanks on reply/in or out of sump model


well like always thanks on the replys:
Im not sure to put it in the sump or out and how ofen do you have to change the cup. $$$$$ whats the best place ?
almost everything is comeing together, im just getting all the stuff
then pulling a all nighter . I have 70gals of my own water ready.
just waiting on rock


if u have the room put it out of the sump, the 500 is good choice i have that one in my sump untill i take the sump out and add some bulkheads
my 800 is out of the sump if u got my site u will see it setup i can send u better pic if u want, it was setup by ETSS
what model u looking at?
not sure what u mean about replacing the cup? u should never have to replace it


almarktool, your tank looks great the 200 gal set up . did you fill it yet. Im not sure about setting up the protein skimmer when i get it. you see i have two bulk heads for over flow and two returns.
so do i first let the over flows go in the sump with a prefilter set up or does the skimmer work seperate. I printed some pictures of the ev500, really dont understand the fittings on the top and the gate valve on the side . does the foam drain into another sump or do I empty the cup like other models. also I have a 30 gal tank as a sump which I once used as a wet/dry set up . I have no problem drilling holes . I hope you understand some what as what I said thanks


the 200 is filling with ro/di water as we speak it should be done monday sometime , the gate vavle goes back into the sump u can control your flow here, one fitting at top would be your pump in like a mag 9 , there is another fitting near the top which is just for air in, u can cap that and run a speerate waste collection that it what i did on my 75 and 200 if u have more questions let me know or like i said i can go take a couple close up pics real quick for u not a big deal


Hey I didnt realize where neighbors , thats good of you about pic's , sure why not . I did mention I have a 90 glass and built a 30 gal sump from a tank that was used for a wet and dry before.
but now starting a winter project. I am very handy , as you see I am the 3rd generation in the hardware store business, 85 years .
so as most parts we sell in the store, ect. " No Home Depo "LOL