Euro Reef RS-80 vs RS 100 vs Aqua C


Active Member
I have several options for a replacement skimmer that I am tossing around. I have a 65 gal tank, currently running a prism skimmer. My current ideas are.
1. Euro Reef RS-80 or RS-100, they have the same pump so I am wondering if the 100 would be worth the extra money.
2. Aqua C Remora Pro - however the mag pumps are rather large and I don't really like the idea of the added clutter in my tank. Plus it is more expensive than the Euro Reefs and from what I've heard not as good.
3. Aqua C Urchin Pro - The major pro to this would be more room in my sump for a fuge.
What do you guys think?


Check the DAS skimmers, liscened by Deltec, one of the best out there. Mine is awesome, 1/2" of skimmate a day. Google them

mpls man

Active Member
IMO i would go with the euro reef skimmer, i have the euro reef es5-2 and love it. i dont know that much about the other skimmer to critic them, i guess i would go with the bigger on the euro reef if you go that route, not going to hurt to have too big, espisally if you decide to go to a bigger tank in the future.
good luck


Active Member
I have to RS-80 for my 70 and it works great. I think that you would be happy with whatever one you choice from your list.


Active Member
Picking any of those would not be a bad choice and you would get a good skimmer. Go with the larger pump whichever you get. I prefer in-sump skimmers as they don't return bubbles to the main tank.


Active Member
Thanks for the advice everyone, I am really leaning toward the Euro-reef RS series.
Just wondering if there is a significant difference between the RS-80 and RS-100 because they both use the same pump and the RS-100 is actually shorter (I don't know much about skimmers but I always thought bigger was better)


Active Member
Just thought I'd bump this to see if I could get more opinions.
Euro reef RS-80 vs RS-100, is the 100 worth the extra $70
I'm almost done building my sump and then its just a waiting game to save up money for the new skimmer.

discus guy

i have the euro reef rs80 on my 72 bow front and i have seen a huge difference in my levels and i have only had it in my sump for 3 weeks if that. get the euro reef