euro sump vs. sump/fuge

ive been hearing a bout the new sumps that have made it over to the US from Europe in the past few years
and was wondering which one was better
i now some about the sump/fuge but not a lot on the other one though i went to a lfs and they gave me this name so i have called it this name also correct me if me and the lfs is wrong
the first pic is of an euro-sump and the second is of a sump/fuge
which is better
in trying to set up a 120 reef tank



New Member
Well I havent heard of a euro-sump quite yet. Whos knows if its "correct". I think of them both as sumps, the only thing that is diffrent is the method of filtration contained in them. They make sumps that have both of those pictures rolled into one. Is that just a filter sock in the first one, or am I missing something ? If not then its just a sump with a filter sock in it. The euro part is kind of confusing, but I guess as long as other people know what it refering to then whats the problem?

d0 thy d3w

i would say, just make your own..that way u could make it a sump/fuge...all in one! and have the best of both worlds..and possibly even still looking into building one of these myself..


Active Member
the top one is a sump designed for use with an external power head (yes thats just a filter sock.
the second one is a HOB(hang on back) refugium with a protien skimmer built in not a sump, neither is "better" persay. You could use both at the same time.
I personally dont like the design of the top one it limits useable space too much.
I agree it would be best to make your own, with a 10g tank or something, thats what i did with my sump/fuge, only used 2 10g tanks.