Euroreef CS6-2+ Rating


Euroreef lists the recommended tank size for this skimmer to be 125G, While ASM G3 (Virtually the same skimmer) is rated for up to 225G. I already own the Euroreef CS6-2+ from my 90Gal, will it be able to handle the 180Gal?


Active Member
Originally Posted by cmack
Euroreef lists the recommended tank size for this skimmer to be 125G, While ASM G3 (Virtually the same skimmer) is rated for up to 225G. I already own the Euroreef CS6-2+ from my 90Gal, will it be able to handle the 180Gal?

Probably not, you can run it but I'd rate it closer to 100 gals..My CS6-3 was rated for 125 tops just a few years ago.


One other thing, My CS6-2+ has the Sedra 5000 pump (not the standard 2500), This is why I'm wondering if it would be the same rating as the G3 with that pump.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cmack
One other thing, My CS6-2+ has the Sedra 5000 pump (not the standard 2500), This is why I'm wondering if it would be the same rating as the G3 with that pump.

The standard pump iswas a Sedra 3500 on the CS6-2...ASM just rates thier skimmers higher then ER...they are both about the same.


The ASM comes with the Sedra 5000, I believe that is why they rate it higher. My Eureo-reef also has a 5000, but I cant find specs on it anywhere with that pump.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cmack
The ASM comes with the Sedra 5000, I believe that is why they rate it higher. My Eureo-reef also has a 5000, but I cant find specs on it anywhere with that pump.

The ASM G3 and the CS6-2 are the same skimmer, give or take a fraction or two. They use the same pump, same needle wheel, same size skimmer body. The ER is rated for tanks up too 125, the ASM is up 250.. Lets say I start making skimmers that are just like the two mentioned but I call em Widget skimmers and rate em for tanks up to 10,000 gals...does that make em better?
If it makes you feel better, just get a Sharpie and write ASM on it