Euroreef Operation Question


I recently purchased on-line a "slightly" used Euroreef CS6-3 for $190. It sounded like a great deal, but it's not quite what I was expecting. I got the sedra pump and it's in good condition and appears to work fine. The skimmer body also appears to be fine and has the necessary elbow attachment and cup. Although it's missing the air intake tube holder and the cap for the collection cup doesn't appear to be the original, but I don't think ethier of these items are very critical (please let me know if I'm wrong). The real problem appears to be the riser tube. I think it's some kind of a home-made mockup. Instead of the gray piping that I've typically seen in photos of euroreefs it's made of white PCV pipe and does not have the foam bubble filter attachment . I've tried testing the skimmer, although only in freshwater, and the riser pipe appears to be able to control the water level in the skimmer, but I'm not sure if it works like the original. There also weren't many bubles, but I'm guessing that has to do with using clean freshwater???
I would greatly appreciate your comments and/or photos of euroreef skimmers. Thanks for your help.


same size ER skimmer I use.....I wonder if its a real Euro Reef? The cup top is the only item with any kind of markings.
I don't think your going to have problems. As long as you can raise and lower the riser tube and the Venturi is there.


BIGMAC, thanks for the reply. I'm feeling a bit better about my purchase after seeing your photo, but I'm having the same suspicions you are...maybe it's not a real euroreef. The riser tube and the other tubing that goes with it looks similar to mine. The white part of the tubing is identical to what mine has, but the gray part looks a little different. For starters, my attachment elbow does not extend all the way across the inside of the skimmer like yours does. Not sure what that means for me. The point of the riser tube is to control the water level in the skimmer, correct? It does do that, so maybe I'm allright. The cap that came with mine may have had the top part with the markings ripped off it, but I'm not sure.
One more question, where does the bubble filter go on your model?



Originally posted by sleeri
BIGMAC, thanks for the reply. I'm feeling a bit better about my purchase after seeing your photo, but I'm having the same suspicions you are...maybe it's not a real euroreef. The riser tube and the other tubing that goes with it looks similar to mine. The white part of the tubing is identical to what mine has, but the gray part looks a little different. For starters, my attachment elbow does not extend all the way across the inside of the skimmer like yours does. Not sure what that means for me. The point of the riser tube is to control the water level in the skimmer, correct? It does do that, so maybe I'm allright. The cap that came with mine may have had the top part with the markings ripped off it, but I'm not sure.
One more question, where does the bubble filter go on your model?

I should have said in my last post that the white PVC pipe you see in the photo was added by me so I could get rid of the sponge.
Yes, the skimmer is controlled by the riser tube. I don't know how the different tube at the bottom will effect it. You may have an older model. Mine is about 4-5 years old. The markings on the cap are molded in and can't be removed. I wonder if you have Southbay skimmer? Does the pump have the needle wheel impeller or the standard Sedra impeller?


It looks like it has the needle wheel impleller along with the special venturi setup. White and circular with little platic needle like things. What's the Southbay skimmer?


The Southbay skimmer is a ER copy made by Jeff at Exoticfish. some have the needle wheel, some don't.
Any chance we an see a picture of your skimmer?


I wish I could post one, but I don't have a digital camera. Maybe I can borrow one and post a pic in few days. Any idea if Jeff still makes this skimmer? I went to his site and he didn't have them listed there. I noticed he does sell ER skimmers. Using google I managed to find an ok picture of a southbay skimmer and I'm starting think your Southbay suggestion may be correct. It looks an awful lot like what I have. I think I may have been scammed. Are the Southbays supposed to work the as well as an ER?


One sure fire way to tell if its a Southbay is by the skimmer base. The pump will be resting on the same base as the skimmer body.
If all the tools are there the skimmer should work just fine. One of the keys to this skimmer working good is the way the straight part of the skimmer body flares in and up just below the collar. If the shape of your skimmer is just like the picture I showed then you shouldn't feel like you got ripped off. It could also be an ASM skimmer. Is the collar the exact same as the one pictured?
Jeff's exotic fish still carries the south bay brand. if you're on his email list you'll see the listing.
to get the right kind of bubble production, you'll need to increase the salt content of your water. i tried to see if my berlin h.o. worked using fresh water, and all that occured was large bubbles in the body of the skimmer. :confused: duh. only when i added salt to the water did it work properly and produce micro bubbles.:cheer:


I'll have to take a look at the collar tonight when I get home, but I'm 100% sure that it does have the distintive base you mentioned. It's long enough for the pump to rest on it. I was actually wondering about that yesterday. This must be something other than a Euroreef. I've got to say I'm more than a little disappointed. Although, I have found more than a few good comments on the Southbay. Most people seem to think it's practically identical to the ER in terms of its performance.
I guess I've got to figure out if I'm going to sell it off real cheap or just deal with it and hope that it performs as well as the ER. I guess I'll start with a test run and see what happens.
Thanks for all your help on this bigmac. I don't know how long it would've taken for me to realize it wasn't an ER. At first glance it looks identical to yours. I've never seen an ER in person so I had nothing to go on besides a few internet photos.


Man this site is a great source. Chainsaw5vent that was my other major concern. I figured that having no salt and/or "bio waste" was the problem, but I wasn't sure. It's nice to hear that you had the same lack luster freshwater results. I'll have to make sure my next test run happens in saltwater.