SWEET DAWN: my comments about "hot chick" where quoted for a reasion. while i find that the singer for the band is rather pretty i have heard and read many others say she is not. im speaking in a more general sense than what I think. i am trying to make the point that she (to society) may not be as pretty as
. the men that enjoy
and her childish antics are not there for the music. if you know what i mean
. my point is that men arent attracted to evenesence for the same reasion as they may be for ms.
. on the other hand they arent a talented enough band for staying power. jmhop i dont see them around in 5-6 years.
i should say that my wife bought their record and i have listened to it. its not bad. as i said earlier it like candy (read previose post) their is nothing in their music thats fresh, interesting, different, or shows any signs that they may grow into something better.
i also want to say that im not trying to bash them. i just dont see them having a future.