evaporation control ??


is there any suggestions for controlling evaporation for my tank
is there something that i can hook up my ro/di unit??


Active Member
How much water are you losing. Evaporation is expected and is just part of the game.
If you have a sump then you can look at auto top off systems that reduce the amount of effort you put in to it day to day.
Depending on how closly your ro is located to the tank you can do top off directly from the system with an auto shut off valve and a float in your sump (is that what you mean by wet dry?). If there isn't a sump the same thing can be done directly to your tank with an auto top system.
A lid will slow down evaporation but also effect how well 02 gets into your system and heat.


i understand on losing water its just a pain
if i can hook something up so i never have to top off it would make life easier


Active Member
How close is your ro unit to your main tank?
Is there room for another small tank/bucket/something you can have close to your main tank?
I personally have a sump system. Next to my display I built a box that matched the tank which contains a 10 gallon aquarium. I keep it filled with ro water. In my sump I have a auto top off float that is set to a level I want. When the water reaches that level it turns on a pump and moves water from the 10 gallon to the sump. For my 125 I fill my 10 gallon twice a week. I'm putting over 850 watts over the tank so my evaporation rate may be higher than some and the main tank has no lid.
I'm very happy with how it is working and if you need a source email me. Just let me know you emailed.


my laundry room is behind my tank so i thought of drilling a hole and running a line to the sump i dont have any room next to my tank


Active Member
That should work great. Do a search auto top off's that work with ro units. They're readily available and you'll eliminate your top issue for good. I wasn't as lucky to have my ro next to my tank. I actually have it in my rec room. Here's some pics on how I made the ro system fit into the rec room scheme. Cabinet for the unit and built a bar/counter to hide the storage tanks.
