Evaporation problem...


New Member
I'm having issues with my BC14. I recently installed the Nanotuners 70W MH upgrade and now am having issues keeping enough water in the tank. The tank is at work so over the weekend it can go a solid two days with out a top off...
Has anyone else had these issues? Any recommendations? I set the timer for a 10 hours of light instead of 12 so that should help slightly. The lids are shut firmly.


Active Member
How did you put this on your tank and still keep a lid on it. I have always seen these lights 5 or 6 inches above the water so that it has air movement around it. But I am interested in how you kept your hood with the HQI's


Active Member
Evaporation is a good thing. For one it helps cool your tank. Imagine if you couldn't sweat. I suggest taking the lid off which will increase evaporation but will also increase gas exchange at the surface. If you have jumpers look into eggcrate. If you don't like topping off your water look into an auto top off system. I have a 29g tank with 10g sump. I have a fan blowing on my sump and I have to top off about 3/4 g every day.


New Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
How did you put this on your tank and still keep a lid on it. I have always seen these lights 5 or 6 inches above the water so that it has air movement around it. But I am interested in how you kept your hood with the HQI's
I got the nanotuner 70w upgrade kit. It allows you to keep the stock hood and has upgraded fans for inceased flow. The temp doesn't vary too much(79.2-81.0) it's just that it seems it goes through a ton of water.
I'm going to widen the path from chamber 1 to 2 and fill the back up a little higher... May look into some small auto top off solution.