Evaporation top off


Someone please help me confirm what my LFS told me. This is the third LFS I have visited. I am trying to find one I am comfortable with. I am a very new newbie. Anyway, I was asking about the evaporation I get (about 1 gallon/week). The person I spoke to said that is normal and I should top it off with RO water not salt. He recommended keeping a stock of RO water and salt water on hand at home (since I buy my water from them anyway). Does that sound right? What is RO water?


Active Member
He is correct, water evaporates but salt does not. Top of with fresh R/O water and use the salt water for your water changes. R/O water = Reverse Osmosis, 96% pure. Tap water = bad, too many contaminents.


i used tap water for my initial start up and now have been using ro/di water from the lfs.. i noticed the water is more crystal clear as well.. :jumping: