

How often do you top off? I've got a 155 gallon and I'm wondering about how much evaporation I should expect?


Active Member
I lose anywhere from 2-4 gallons a day in my 280. But your loss will differ depending on what type of lights you have, whether you have a fan blowing on the surface, whether you have tops on the tank, etc.


Active Member
I had a 180, that I topped off about 5 gallons a day. But it had alot of surface area. My 58 gallon with MH's and a fan blowing on the surface gets about 2 gallons a day, without the lights on it is minimal I don't have to top off in 48 hrs. Maybe 1/2 a gallon.


OK so my evaporation is normal :) It just seems like I'm always topping off the sump so I wanted to make sure it was normal. I used to keep turtles in this tank and there wasn't near as much evaporation, I guess it's the lights.


Active Member
Lights = Heat
Heat = Evaporation
Sometimes people, like me, fight heat with using a fan blowing on the water surface, but this aggitates the water (a good thing) and also causes evaporation.