Ever hear of a racoon wrasse?


I picked one up a few days ago. It's actually called a yellow banded racoon wrasse. It's about 2" with 2 yellow bands. Body is brown. Actually looks like a racoon. Guy in the LFS said they are rare and this one is one of the largest ones he had ever seen. He's reef safe. If he starts coming out I'll try to snap a pic. Anyone ever seen one?


This week I'm working nights. Thats when my lights are on. My son sees him out. Thats how I know he's alive. Will try to get pics this weekend.


Active Member
I would tend to agree with dogstar and say that it is probably a jansens wrasse.. but of course with out a pick we could all be barking up the wrong tree... cant wait to see a pic.
could also be a racoon butterfly..


Apparently I'm much better at reef keeping than using a computer. I took 3 good shots. Tried to attach the files and kept a message that the file was too large. Any help on how to make the file smaller? I would like everyone to see this guy.