ever see a elegance coral swell?



Mine looks like its holding water or something.. The coral looks ALOT more healthy thatn it was.. but just really odd looking


If anyone cares..
Bloated Puffy Elegance Body
Hi Bob,
<Anthony Calfo in your service>
Greetings from Malaysia.
<and a kind welcome to you from America, fellow reef enthusiast!>
Right I've ran through your FAQ about Elegance Coral and could not find any answer to my problem. My tank's condition is perfect for Elegance as per your articles on how one should keep them and the tank condition needed for it to survive. Here's the wee problem.
The gorgeous green with pink tip fella did fine for the first 2 weeks... opened up proudly displaying its full splendour of vibrant colour. Then I think my bird wrasse knocked it down to the substrate accidentally one day (the Elegance's placed in mid section horizontally on a rock).
<we may have our first problem here, my friend. Elegance coral are collected as free-living specimens (and have a conical skeleton) or as sessile fixed denizens (wall shaped skeletons sawn off of the reef proper). Most Elegance are collected as free-living individuals and should never be placed on rock. They will die in time from abraded tissue (polyps cycles) for having been placed on the rockwork. Even if you have a specimen that was collected from rock, it can be fatal for any LPS to take a fall and sustain torn tissue.>
I got home from work and it was on the bottom of the tank between other rocks in 45 degrees positioning. Still it's opened fully with extended tentacles. Put it back to its original location. No signs of damage. Two days gone by and I noticed at the bottom of its tentacles, there're white stringy things coming out from its meat (is that how you call it?) and they're like attached to the meat itself.
<yes... mesenterial filaments. Stress induced. Not a good sign, but not fatal either. Very noxious to other corals though>
I know they are the inner parts of the coral that came out. Only parts of the coral has this clumps of white stringy things at the base of the tentacles. The rest opens up as normal.
Following day, it started to close up and the stringy things are still there. This time with kinda like jelly thing sticking around the stringy clumps. I think it could be detritus from the water that got stuck to the sticky slimy white stringy things.
<yes... or bacteria and the beginnings of a necrotic infection. Try to maintain good strong random turbulent water flow>
Next day it opened up again... same condition with white slimy stringy things and jelly like stuff around these clumps. This time the coral opens up really large... it's like an inflated puffy balloon... really huge, without the tentacles extending. As day goes by, it shrinks and bloated over and over again in a days cycle. Tissue is not receding, just bloated with un-extended, "un-filled" tentacles,
<yes...defensive, not feeding strategy>
with clumps of white stringy things at the base of some tentacles, and jelly like things around it. Phew! there you go. That's the problem. Any idea what's wrong with this fella?
<just trying to heal>
Its body is so bloated and puffy now as I'm typing this. Looks like a big huge obese man with tiny short little very thin arms and legs.
<you mean it looks like I will look in another 15 years of eating fatty foods?>
Thanks a mill...Cheers...Steve
<best regards, Anthony>


Re: Bloated Puffy Elegance Body
Hi Anthony, Thanks a mill for the explanation on my wee Elegance Coral problem.
<you are quite welcome my friend>
Am I right to say I should just put it down to the tank's bed and let it sit there and wait for it to heal (hopefully)?
<Yes... exactly correct. Although there is no guarantee of recovery, it is of far greater risk to leave it upon the rockwork precariously/unnaturally. Furthermore... free-living (sand dwelling) elegance are believed to benefit if not need the micronutrients available in limited amounts near the surface of the sand bed>
BTW my heart aches looking at this fella all bloated up and can't do anything about it to help. If you or your team member wish to dive in Malaysia someday, do let me know. I'll be most happy to be your guide and all.
<what a wonderful offer... we thank you very kindly and hope to have the pleasure one day soon. In fact, we will be attending the Aquarama conference in Singapore next year (May/June) which is only a hop away. Perhaps then :) ><<Yes... Pete and I were in Pulau Redang last year... and there are hundreds if not thousands more places to dive in Malaysia... are you near any of the big-name resorts? Bob Fenner>>
That's the least I can do since you guys have been great putting up this advise service to everyone on this planet.
<appreciated but not necessary... in shared admiration of the sea we all are (insert Yoda voice HERE)>
But make sure you don't wait until you look like my elegance and come diving alright : )
<Ha! You've heard how well my family cooks! <G>>
Best regards from the other side of the world, Steve
<and soon to be seeing it for ourselves... best regards, Anthony>
Elegance coral and regrowth 9/29/03
Hey Guys!!! Let me start by saying THANK YOU for such a great website and such great information. I think I can say for all of us out here that your website is INVALUABLE!! I am pretty new to this hobby, about 4 months, and I couldn't have accomplished what I have without you guys.
<thanks kindly... do share your wisdom in kind>
OK, Here's what I have for you today. I have a Catalaphyllia jardinei (?sp?)
<Catalaphyllia jardinei>
that my girlfriend bought me for a present. Unfortunately it is starting to slowly waste away.
<if you've had it for more than a few weeks... could be attrition. They need fed almost daily... at least several times weekly with finely minced meaty foods>
It is secreting a lot of mucus and the brown jelly stuff.
<ughh... a necrotic infection. This like all new livestock should have been quarantined. The brown jelly is highly contagious to other corals>
Per your website and everything else I have read, I put it in my hospital tank and gave it an Iodide bath, Cause Iodine is toxic right?
<ahhh... used properly, it is anti-septic/medicinal so-to-speak>
I also supplement with SeaChem's Reef Plus, and Reef complete so it is getting some Vitamin C also. I have read some people will cycle antibiotics also. Is this worth a shot and if so, which one or ones should I use? And is there anything I can do to
save my precious present?
<tetracycline has been used in bare-bottoms QT tanks with some success at mfg dose strength>
Also, if it starts to recover, will it regrow over the spaces where the skeleton is showing through or not? I sure hope so.
<it can indeed in time>
She is the one with the pink tentacles with the purple tips. I had her at the bottom of my 40 gallon breeder in lower light with low water flow also. I heard from your website this is the best placement.
<agreed... although not too low of flow. 10X tank turnover is the minimum>
Oh, she was also placed on her back with tentacles toward the light too. This is correct right?
My tank parameters are: pH 8.5,sg 1.025, temp 79F, calcium 450,
Nitrates 0, Nitrites 0, and ammonia 0, phosphates .02. You guys have taught me well!!! (I hope so anyway! Hahahha!)
<all good... although the Calcium does not need to be that high... wane lower is Alk is flat>
I change 5% of the water twice a week also. I think this really helps with my 40 gallon breeder.
Agreed, my friend>
It's so easy and fast too!!!! Thanks for all your help guys. I know you guys get this question a lot, but everything that I read, and I read all of the responses and questions, didn't really hit on my question. Thanks again guys. Will be in touch.
Oh yeah, I am attaching a picture so you guys can see what your knowledge has helped me to create.
<thanks kindly... could not open the zip file though. Please send pics as web-sized jpegs. Thanks kindly, Anthony>


btw my elegance has been on the sand bed for 2 days now.. and its looking sooo much better already! :cheer:

fish lady

Originally Posted by Scoobs
Mine looks like its holding water or something.. The coral looks ALOT more healthy thatn it was.. but just really odd looking
My pink elegance grows like a weed he is huge now. I have him in one corner of my tank in the sand with no LR near him in low flow water. I was told to place him near no live rock because when they are out and happy if they are to close to live rock they could get a cut on a sharp edge and then more that likely die. The more space I give him the bigger he seems to get. I have him under a 400 w mh and he seems to like it. About once a month mine puffs up as well. Some times he swells up and just his tips are left and other times he swells up and kind of hovers or something, he lifts off the sand a bit it is kind of cool to watch. He definently has grown about 3 x the size that he was a year ago when I got him. Good Luck!