Ever tasted skimmate?


Active Member
Yeah, that story was disgusting. Did you have a stray thought when you put the bottle on your nightstand of "This may be a bad idea"?
Try the new health drink... Blackish-green tea
Oh, and if you want to talk about drunks drinking things they regret... A guy I knew in college did a shot of what he thought was an open bottle of tequila. It was warm, it was yellow, and it wasn't tequila.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
I can't even click on the link. I am gagging just thinking about it. How in the world did you not smell it when you twisted off the cap? Let's just say you didn't put the cap on. Skimmate smells. How did you not notice that going toward your face. If you notice the Gatorade bottle then you were lucid enough to breath in before swallowing that nastiness. Seriously, how can you even justify that as a mistake? That is like saying that you drank pee because you were half asleep... WHO da WHAT????

I drink this stuff (gatorade) all the time, I was talking to my dad about something and I picked it up and drank a little. It was pretty stupid, and I had a lot on my mind.


I'll get a pic. It isn't exactly gatorade, but whatever. My 3rd one today. Same bottle I drank out of...still haven't emptied it. I'll do that now. I realized that subconsciously I have been smelling everything before I drink it.



Man around here skimmate goes straight to the sink. Then the nag got me scrubbing the sink cause of the Smell. Your just SICK!! In the video no way that was skimmate. No foam and lets face it you smell it like that kid did your not going to drink it for 20.00
