every thing I put in seems to die

I am getting so discouraged I dont know what to do. I have a 80gl fish only tank. I had slime algae won that battle, then got hair algae starting to get rid of that but it seems everthing I put in dies the only fish that has survived is a pixie hawk fish. I killed 4 clowns,2 fox faces,1 pigmy angel, hippo tang, I even killed the sea hair cuc. My tank is almost 1 yr old in january amonia 0, ph 8.2, nitrates 0, nitrites 0, salinity 1.022 phosphates down to .25. could it be the weekly 20% water changes. I hate to give up.


Active Member
Something doesn't add up. Nothing should just die. Do you get your fish from an LFS or online? How do you acclimate them? How long do they live?


Your salinity is too low for starters, and you should not attempt to keep fox faces they need a bigger tank. Are you adding the fish too quickly? What type of filtration do you have? And how do you introduce your fish to the tank? Need more info to help.
the first fish I got from this sight the hawk fish is still allive the other ones lasted 4 months. then I got the hoppo from a lfs and he had marine velvet that killed him along with the fox face and 2 clowns. then the battle with the algae started. no new fish for a while then I got the cuc about 1 wk ago from a different fish store today he was all white and falling apart.


Active Member
So all your fish died of disease?? I agree your SG is a bit low, but not too bad.
What kind of filtration do you have?? Do you have LR, LS, etc??
Originally Posted by cherylann
Your salinity is too low for starters, and you should not attempt to keep fox faces they need a bigger tank. Are you adding the fish too quickly? What type of filtration do you have? And how do you introduce your fish to the tank? Need more info to help.
what should the salinity be? I have 2 power heads and a 20 gl refugeum. I was adding 1 fish a mo. in the beginning. havent added one for 2 months. I just got the cuc 1 wk ago. I have trickeled water into a container and also just dumped the snails and crabs in.


Active Member
SG should be 1.025....so you aren't too bad there. All you have is a refugium and 50 pounds of LR?? That in my opinion is not enough filtration in an 80 Gallon tank. I personally would have at least 100 pounds of LR. More like 160 pounds. Are you running a skimmer??
Did all your snails and crabs die too?? What kind of crabs?? The other fish....did they just die or did they all die from the Marine Velvet??
yes I have a skimmer. the other fox face after a month stopped eating. why would i need more filtration if all the readings are fine? this is my second go around first set up I had canister filters then I was told the refug was the way to go I kept having high amonia with the canisters. Then i hear of people who dont even run a skimmer and their tanks are beautiful.
I know with this hobby you need patience but sometimes it seems so stressful


Active Member
-double check your readings with a fish stores.
-check for stray voltage.
is there something in your water? is it your own ro/di or faucet?
lfs checked the water they are the ones who told me about the phosphates. I use ro water only. how do you ck for voltage. Never heard of that.


Active Member
How big is your refugium and what is in it?? That could be good enough filtration if it's a good size.
Stray voltage, if a lot would give you a shck when you touched the water. You can get a ground probe real cheap that would take any stray voltage and direct it to a grounded plug.....but I don't think that would be the problem.


Active Member
Originally Posted by waterdogjenn
lfs checked the water they are the ones who told me about the phosphates. I use ro water only. how do you ck for voltage. Never heard of that.
im not going to lie, i havent read the whole thread here but i dont think phosphates would do anything to fish.. unless it was in huge amounts.
now, stray voltage. i have seen some rare cases where people have lost some nice fish due to stray voltage.
make sure the cords for your pumps and what not are not cut or frayed that are in contact with the tank water.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 9supratt4
How big is your refugium and what is in it?? That could be good enough filtration if it's a good size.
Stray voltage, if a lot would give you a shck when you touched the water. You can get a ground probe real cheap that would take any stray voltage and direct it to a grounded plug.....but I don't think that would be the problem.
assuming here, but i think the fish would feel it before we do in an aquarium as they are more sensative to it.


Here's my reply!!!! Wait till somebody with the know how commits!!!! these guys don't know what they are taking about!!!! Stray voltaged??? Maybe? depends on where you live!! HE NEEDS HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
There could be a number of things, my first indication is water. There are toxins that we don't check for that can be in your water. IE: Lead. Lets start off by seperating your fish that died from disease and that died with no no explanation. 4 died from velvet. 3 died from UnExplained Causes.
Clowns are pretty hardy so im wondering what the symptons were when they died.
Give me these answers.
How long did you have them?
Where they skiddish when you came by the tank?
Did they swim near the surface of the tank a lot?
Heavy breathing?
Discoloration or fin rot?
Like I stated in the beginning it could be water quality if you aren't using RO/DI water. Theres a procedure to reduce nitrates to 5% of current tank volume that can be used to improve water quality. its on about.com search and find it. It will require you to use and waste a lot of water and salt but if thats the problem its the easiest short of draining the entire tank and scrubbing everything.
Also sometimes i hate to say it is best to start from scratch. When something is too far gone and is fustrating you waiting 5 weeks for your tank to cycle can be a cooling down period for you.