Every time i introduce a fish, it dies. Please help.


New Member
I have had my reef tank(no reef yet) for about 6 months now and after the cycle i purchased a few fish. All the fish were fine and all was good. However i purchased a new fish each week for the past 3 weeks an after about three weeks each fish died. The first week i bought a coral beauty angel. The next week i bought a copperband butterfly. Then i bought a purple reef lobster. I acclimated them for about 2 hours each. My water levels are all at zero and my salinity is about 24-25. Temperature is from 78-80. I also noticed that these fish were not eating before they died so i dont know what the problem is. I have several tanks and only my 55 is giving me troubles with newly introduced fish. Anyone who has maybe had the same problem and solved it or just has a good idea for how to fix it would be much appreciated. Also, once i fix this problem i intend on buying a purple tang from the LFS who is infected with ick. They are selling him for cheaper but i feel bad to watch him die because no1 wants the ick. He is a gorgeous tang and I would like to help him before it is too late so if any1 could also advise me on how to go about this as well that would be much appreciated. THank you very much.


Staff member
Is harassment going on at all? Did they just fail to thrive since you got the fish, or just suddenly died. What are you feeding your fish?


New Member
they have a sort of skin parasite it appears. There are places on their bodies where their flesh is almost disintegrating. They have acted wierd since i purchased them. They both came from the same place and are acting the same way. The butterfly is actually coughing. He is on the bottom and he is shooting water out of his mouth. I can tell because the sand is blowing away in spurts every once in a while. Also when i went to quarintine him, he squirt water at me. What is this disease? I have never seen is.


Staff member
You mention skin parasites? What kind? Are the fish in quarantine now, or not?


New Member
The coral beauty was dead by the time i woke up and the copperband died a few hours after quarentine. They both had inflamed gills with what looked like little cuts all around their gills where flesh was visible instead of scales. Before dieing they both were breathing rapidly which they had been doing even before i purchased them. They both came from the same display tank which makes me think it must be contagious. All my other fish are perfect as of now so we will see how it goes. Any info anyone might have would be great. Thank you.
Oh, also, the copperband was constantly brushing his gills against the live rock and sand. He swam around twictching rapidly and brushing against the rock for about 3 hours before he died. He was coughing as well. Little spurts were coming out of his mouth.