Everyone Use Ro Water!



I just felt the need to go off on a rant. lol. ill make it very short.
Recently I have noticed that a bunch of people on here do not use RO water. I just wanted to tell those of you who use tap water that your tank will look and be 100000000000000000000000000000000% healthier if you use RO water. Im even tempted to say its just as important as a skimmer. Do a search on google and read up about why RO water is preferred over tap water.
All the best,


The person that got me interested in this hobby threatened to fire me (happens to be my boss at work) if I didn't use RO. He even bought me a RO unit and made me pay him for it (again, I would have been fired). He was right.


Active Member
How much is a RO/DI unit? I buy the water from the LFS at 50 cents per gallon. I wonder how long it would take to pay for itself.


abethedog your boss is absolutely right. RO/DI water is an ABSOLUTE MUST!


Originally Posted by milomlo
I don't use RO/DI, but I do use RO
Same here. Even before that I was using distilled water from Walmart. I'm much happier with my own RO unit because it's so much more convenient.


It's almost funny how some people start this hobby and don't buy test kits or a small RO filter. Yet, they'll spend a fortune on livestock and wonder what they are doing wrong when things die.


By using RO / DI vrs tap you can be assured you are always starting with a solution that is as good as the last, ask your local municipality for t 8 week record of it's water tests. Fed law make it mandatory to test at least weekly. Nitrates, nitrites, phosphates, the things you would expect can be in some sizable doses, but I didn't expect the copper and iron to very also. It's amazing what our government says is safe for human consumption!!!!!! Take me not my fish!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ninjamini
How much is a RO/DI unit? I buy the water from the LFS at 50 cents per gallon. I wonder how long it would take to pay for itself.
Why trust your LFS with the quality and well being of your tank.....Trust me the RO/DI unit will pay for itself.......It's a pain and hassle just going carrying the dumb jugs, and those emergency situations you might find yourself in 1 day and the LFS is closed

And ClearReef you have a good boss!!!!!!!


this thread got me going on my RO unit. i have had it for a while but never uced it...
any I just spent $50 at home depo for 4 filters does this seam right??


yes it does. You will see a very very big difference in the clarity of your water and the amount of algea you have.
It is very wise of you to start useing RO/DI water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey you all seem to be liking the ro/di filter so i was wondering what is the best model for its price. I'm not worried about how much it will cost cause i am sick of seeing stuff die in my tank. So if someone could just let me know what filter they use or what filter seems to work the best. Thanks


Hi everyone!
At a dollar a gal. it won't take very long to pay for a Ro/Di . I Put mine in last September. I really like not lugging 5 gal. bottles home from the LFS. I put my sump in the basement, makes my water changes really easy.


I use tap water or distilled water and everyting seems great in my tank. Coroline growing corals growing and fish are fine.


Just after I bought my RO/DI Unit my LFS increased the prices from $.50 a gallon to $0.79 a gallon for RO.
Mine paid for itself in just a few months! :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by pcinmd
I use tap water or distilled water and everyting seems great in my tank. Coroline growing corals growing and fish are fine.

Using tap water is just setting yourself up for disaster!!!!!!