Everyone!!!what State And Town Are You In?


Noble, GA. Home of the Tri-State creamatory, where the guy didn't bun the bodies, he just piled them in his back yard.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Threed240
Noble, GA. Home of the Tri-State creamatory, where the guy didn't bun the bodies, he just piled them in his back yard.


used to live Pittsburgh Pennsylvania for 29 years. since two years ago I moved to Austin Texas to married a wonderful lady who understand my new hobby to SW..
I am not rooting to Longhorn football however will enrolling to UT for Engineering


Active Member
Originally Posted by philgmiami

why does your location say Miami???
:thinking: :notsure:


Go tampa GO!!! Port Richey here chiming in and with so many of us in Tampa area we should set up a reef club that exchanges frags and such!!!!!!!


Active Member
"Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's ______. ... Actually I was just trying to impress you, the real translation was lost long ago."


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
"Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's ______. ... Actually I was just trying to impress you, the real translation was lost long ago."

Cheers on the Anchorman quote!!!!!!


Hey poniegirl, small world huh? you wouldn't believe Jonesboro now. The Mall you were talking about "Indian Mall" has about 3 or 4 stores in it now. A new mall was opened March of this year. It's about 200,000 sq. ft. Really nice, although no Wyatts. Jonesboro has grown to almost 60,000 people now. Still not a really good LFS. :happyfish


Juneau, Alaska here. But I was born and raised in TX moved to Seattle when I was 22 and kept going north wierd. Hey TXReef I spent lots of time in Temple my sister went to UMHB in Belton and my Brother and sister-in-law both worked at Scott and White.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wilsonreef
Hey poniegirl, small world huh? you wouldn't believe Jonesboro now. The Mall you were talking about "Indian Mall" has about 3 or 4 stores in it now. A new mall was opened March of this year. It's about 200,000 sq. ft. Really nice, although no Wyatts. Jonesboro has grown to almost 60,000 people now. Still not a really good LFS. :happyfish
I used to work at the Best Western out on the highway toward Memphis and watched that HUGE red sun rise (graveyard shift). Beautiful. Also worked at what was Kelly's regency Inn, mind you 20 years ago!! Nice to meet you, Wilson. Sorry to hear about the lack of LFS.