Everyone your suggestions Please for my 265


Active Member
I am upgrading my 150 to a 265 Drilled with overflows Yes you heard me. The master of HOB filters is going to say no more of them now what would you recommond fro sump/fuge size pump number of outlets back into the tank Skimmer and Lights I will be sticking with PCs since will be Fowlr. Also will be running a UV sterilezer and such and DSB.


Active Member
What are the OF's rated for? How many? Gonna have a fish room? Free standing, self contained or what? We need more info.


you have an idea of what your plumbing is going to be? How many 90's. Etc what ever info you can tell us do so.


Active Member
Will be a Perfecto Tank Overflos in the corner rated for 900 GPH each I will try not to use 90's if possible sump and fuge want at least a 75 if possible.


Active Member
75 would be fine for a sump.

Shoot for a return pump that matches your drains flow at a 4' head height. Possibly exceeding it slightly depending on your returns etc..2's fine with the closed loop, do 4 if you omit it.

Do a closed loop with around 4 returns. The Ocean motions are popular...But pricey. Shoot for 1800 to 2400 Gph, or higher.
Octopuss 250, or better yet, 300, mod it with enkamat and a gate valve.
Your going to need some additional flow besides the sump/fuge. The CL would be the best choice IMO. But a couple high flow pwoerheads like koralia 4's would be good too.
Dont forget the phosban reactors!!!I run 2, but could see the need for 3.


Active Member
I am going to have 4-6 Koralias in there already 2 on each side and 2 in the back Sump/fuge will have Cheato and I will be running a UV sterilizer what size will be needed. Thanks for the Idea will be buying the stuiff first that way when I get the tank will be set this is an upgrade from my 150 so should not have to big of a cycle HOPEFULLY.


Active Member
If doing a transfer, and doing it rather quickly, I would only expect a short spike...If anything. The SB will be the issue. Handle it properly and it'll help out.
Something like a 36 watt jobber for the UV.


Active Member
I know what you are saying here. What I am planning ojn doing is replacing my CC and undergravel with a Livesand bed before doing this change anyway plus getting cheapo Mag 350 and use it to replace my UG till I do the update that way I will not have to get as much live sand and can seed the new tanks dead sand with my live stuff. Skimmer looking at an Berlin XL for the Sump Pump octo with 3000 GPH also running UV and calcum reactor if I need one since this is a Fowlr tank no Inverts but what ever survives my triggers.


Active Member
Found my Pump Octopus 3 heater 4 250 watt visi therms Cla reactor Fuge willhave 100lB LR rubble and also setting up a remote deep sand bed Fuge will also have Cheato in it under a gro light what am I forgetting. Clean up crew aka hermits will be in the Fuge not the main tank unless they are HUGE.


Active Member
How are you going to run chemical filtration/deal with phosphates? Also, any mechanical filtration other than the magnum?
BTW, the berlin is pretty much outdated IMO, you be better off with an octopuss recirc.


Active Member
Right now I am also running 2 biowheel 350's also I could update to the octo recirc will also talk to the guys at my LFS and see what they recommd one of them sets up reef and large fowlrs at hosptials and surgeons so he would also have a good idea. For the phosphates luckily I have water that is already soft 20 tds and phosphates from the tap of less than .5 already double filtered to remove anything nasty already before I use it. Slat I use only reef crystals. and do a 10% water change every 2-3 weeks depending on test results.