everything brown

iam in the middle of cycling and my amonia is droping, but every is turning brown, is this common during cycling????, my base rock was white now its dark brown, and all my liverock is turning brown??????????


Active Member
Originally Posted by goober_hunter
iam in the middle of cycling and my amonia is droping, but every is turning brown, is this common during cycling????, my base rock was white now its dark brown, and all my liverock is turning brown??????????
brown algae (diatoms) is one of the signs of cycling, and is caused my nitrates. doing some water changes and adding a cleanup crew will help.


Active Member
Originally Posted by WangoTango
brown algae (diatoms) is one of the signs of cycling, and is caused my nitrates. doing some water changes and adding a cleanup crew will help.
Diatoms are mostly caused by phosphates and silicates. Let your tank cycle and see if it goes away. If not, try Phosguard.
okay, thanks, also i have been using mixing my salt with RO water, would buying already made saltwater from my lfs be a bad idea since i have been useing RO water..???????/?


Active Member
Originally Posted by goober_hunter
okay, thanks, also i have been using mixing my salt with RO water, would buying already made saltwater from my lfs be a bad idea since i have been useing RO water..???????/?
That all depends on what they use to make thier water.


Active Member
Originally Posted by goober_hunter
i really dont know, what should i ask the lfs?????
You could try asking them how they make their water. They may use different water for their fish tanks and invert tanks. My LFS uses treated local tap water for the fish-only tanks and RO/DI water for their inverts.