everything died except the green chromis


i had a bicolor angel, 2 clownfish, and 1 royal gramma. over the course of 4 days, they all died.
what should i do before i add more fish this time? is there some kind of disease in the tank that im going to need to get rid of?


Active Member
sorry for your loss, but would need lots of Info on your tank.
how long has it been set up
water using
all your water readings.
in general, tell us about your tank


sorry about that....
25 gallon
30 lbs of live rock
35 lbs of live sand
hang on filter
i use regular tap water with prime
its been up for about 3 months
the water readings were perfect which confused me....
there are 3 green chromis living, a skunk cleaner shrimp and some snails and hermit crabs.
i dont know maybe your tank hasnt cycled long enough or you might have added to much at the same time. good luck and sry for the loss


Active Member
"Perfect" water readings can differ quite a bit than what is required, so the actual numbers of the test will help. How do you mix your water? I would think the tank would have been cycled unless more uncured live rock was added after the cycle was done, And your bi color would have out grown that tank size they need 50 to75 min gallons.


Active Member
Originally Posted by seanh287
how soon can i add more fish now?
is there an angel fish that would fit my tank?
No angels, right now your main concern is to find out what killed your fish. If your thinking about adding more fish as soon as u can. Forget about it, they might die and you will end up wasting more money.
Get a new test kit for ammonia, nitrate, nitrite. Do a 20% water change.


ok thanks for the help, ill wait until at least after xmas, but i will continue water changes and testing my water.