everything is dead


New Member
i have a 25 gallon mini reef. i had a fire fish, royal gramma, clown, sand sifter, mandarin, peperment shrimp, coral bandit shrimp, fire shrimp, star fish, tube anemone, sea slugs, lots of coral, and hermit crabs, and snails. its been up and running for almost 4 months with no problem. the other day i did a water change (like i usually do every 2 weeks). the next day BOOM, everything is dead...down to the aptasia's
i use ro di water, the temp is around 80, the water peramters are perfect...no change, (ph 8.0, natrate 5ppm, nitrite 0ppm, amonia 0ppm, clacium 420ppm)
any ideas? the LFS has no clue what happened, but seem rather excited that we will need to spend more money with them. thanks for the help


Active Member
Had to be the water. Wonder if they use city water, havent changed their filters in a while, got chlorine into your tank.... boom...


you have allot of livestock in the tank, i had quite a few fish in a 30 with success though, do you have a sand bed that got disturbed, might of released toxins, let me know if you find out


Active Member
Originally Posted by erinf911
i did a water change (like i usually do every 2 weeks). the next day BOOM, everything is dead...down to the aptasia's

Anything different like new salt mix, new bag of salt, new mixing container What do you use to measure SG?


how was the salinity and temp of the water. if you had the water in a 1 gallon container it would be a significant enough drop or raise in the temp to justify. I know how you feel. it's a terrible feeling. same thing just happened to me a few weeks ago in my 55 when I added too many fish at the same time. woke up to a graveyard!


Active Member
Any cleaners or sprays used near/on the system? ANy kids have access to the set-up. It could be a cleaner, bug spray, etc that can get in systems and wipe them out. Also, kids can dump "stuff" in systems.


It could be that your new water was not the same temp, pH, salinity, ?????Or you change too much and your bio load was too great for your tank to support. Sorry for your loss.
It sucks big time.
We've all been through it. Just learn from your mistakes. And this does not mean you have to go spending hundred$ of dollar$; it could be something very simple...as it usually is.