EVERYTHING Must Go! 55g for sale in NC


I have a 55 gallon reef for sale in Greenville, North Carolina. I am hoping to sell everything together. E-mail me if you have any questions (dmm0724@ecu.edu)
1 Royal Gramma
2 Percula Clownfish
1 Lawnmower Blenny
1 Pajama Cardinal
1 Large Kole Tang
Several Hermits, Emerald Crabs and Snails (Nassarius, 2 fist size Turbos, many smaller turbos)
5 Peppermint Shrimp
1 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Purple Reef Lobster
1 Long Tentacle Anemone
2 Bubble Tip Anemones
1 Large rock of Green Star Polyps
1 Colt Coral
1 Cat's Paw Coral
About 100lbs of live rock and 60lbs live sand.
55 gal All-glass aquarium
Coralife SuperSkimmer Needle Wheel - rated for 65 gallons
Fluval 304 Canister Filter with Carbon media
3 Powerheads (ask about specifics - all were about 30$ each)
48" Coralife PC Bulbs and Fixture with Actinic- both 65 Watt (bulbs are new - been used for about 4 months)
Nice Stand that could be used for any 4ft long tank - was one of those unbuilt stands from the box - very nice with 2 doors and shelves in the middle
With all of this I will include:
2 Surge Protectors and 2 digital timers
4 - 5 gallon Home Depot bucks w/ 3 water tight lids
Small siphon
Master Test Kit (used only a few times - till has many tests left)
pH Buffer - used once
Joe's Juice - Only seen one aipitasia in the tank
Hikari Pellet food, Formula 1 frozen, frozen silversides, Seaweed sheets with 2 clips
Kick Ich Jug (Tank had ich on one of the clowns once - never seen again!)
Numerous books about Saltwater and Reef Tanks
Everything is healthy - very little hair algae and some red algae/diatoms that have started to pop up since I have had less time to spend on maintanence. Tank has been running for about 5 months and has been in great shape!
This is EVERYTHING you would need to have your own tank! Pickup Only - I am at zip 27858 in Eastern NC. Make an offer if interested!
I have another 55 gallon stand that is wrought iron (a little rusty) and can hold a 55 gallon or smaller tank on bottom - will sell separately if wanted (50$)
E-mail me if you are interested - First come first serve to someone who wants everything as a package. If after a week I haven't gotten anyone to commit to buying I will consider selling in pieces with livestock going first. (I will NOT ship fish)


Didn't get your e-mail fishfry
I said though that I don't want to piece out everything, I'd like to sell everything together. If i were to piece out everything the livestock must go FIRST. So e-mail me if you are interested in the whole setup or any of the fish/corals. I won't ship fish.
my email is dmm0724 at ecu.edu


I also wanted to let you all know we have about half a bucket (200 gallon size) of Oceanic Sea Salt that will also come with the package, should someone buy it.


i would like the colt and star polpys,how much with shipping to 50063
i would also be interested in the live sand and rock, but i dont know shipping might be too expensive
let me know, email me at millertime72@aol.com


New Member
I live somewhat close to you. I'll take the light, surge protector with timers, also the books. can pick up. let me know soon and I'll give you my contact info. :joy: robe1st@msn.com


Very interested in the green star polyps as well as the Long tentacle anemone . I'm in NJ, zipe code 08827. I know you prefer not to piece it out, but if you go that way and need to remove your livestock first, it sounds like you should have enough takers here. Do you have any pix of the star polyps? I didn't see them on your link.
Thanks and good luck!


I'm very interested in buying some things for my 75 gallon. Drop me an email so we can chat on the phone.
jasonlwright at gmail dot com


It seems no one want the total package.....Well I do but I'm not sure about an offer...just e-mail me how much you will take for it all. itssa11g00d@aol.com . Keep in mind I will have to drive from central Alabama.


If you decide to part out and ship ild be interested in the bubble tips and the snils/hermits.
I'm in Topeka so shipping would be to 66604. Thx