everything new dies.?????

my problem is that, i have had my tank up for about 5 months nows, any thing new that i add has died with in 2 days. my parameters are perfect, i added a pink tip anemome "you know the cheap one" and a flame scalap, they both died 2 days later. my sweat lips died.. i didnt not add them all at once, it was over a month period. just wondering if it is just me or something else..???????
any advice would be great...
thanks J.G


Okay.... I'm not a genius or anything, but I know that those who are able to help you will want to know exactly what your parameters were, what kind of lighting you have and how long did you acclimate each.


First thing i would say is stop........... You added all things tha die fast if not in the correct environment.
Scallops do not last long
anemones need strong lighting and a seasoned tank (yours is not)
sweetlips would have outghrown ANY tank you could of had.
research all things before you buy which is apparant you did not. sweetlips gets 24 inches plus and are VERY ugly when they get bigger.
Post your paramters even though you think they are good.
Age and size of tank
new or used tank.
yeah the sweet lips was an impulse buy, it was a beautiful fish, i got home found out it will grow to 24 inches long. he lived for about 4 days... he ate very well and was very active
my parmeters are:
ammonia: 0
ates: 0
ph: 8.2
my tank is 55 gal
t-5 lighting
its about 5 months old. new set up took about 5 weeks to cycle
40 pounds lr
i have 2 clowns, 2 chromies, a scooter blenny, 1 horseshoe crab, 3 emarled crabs, 1 sallylightfoot, 1 coral bander shrimp, 12 blue leged hermets, 6 turbos , purple sea fan, zoos ands lots a hitchhikers that iam trying to remove...
all has been in for a while, i took a couple months off before adding anything else, then after the little break everytihng dies, but before nothing died,,
everything thing was acclumated according to SWF standards + another hour......


Active Member
Few sweetlips survive. That was an extremely poor fish choice. How did you acclimate the anemone and scallop?
What is your calcium and alkalinity. What is your specific gravity?


Also, not sure if anyone told you, but that horseshoe crab will get HUGE. I see them washed up on our beaches all the time, and they are big, nasty looking little buggers.
You might want to get rid of it...not sure why fish stores sell them to anyone...unless you have the 2,700 gallon tank that Requiem has
yeah i know they get big, but my wife really wanted one, so i bought a tiny one, ill get him out when he gets bigger, he is still tiny..
like i said i acculated according to swf times then i added a hour.
all is good, i guess sometimes things just dont work out the way you want them, ...


a picture says a thousand words.
post a pic of the tank.
You might have read ur Ammonia level wrong.
Those test kits are just hard to read.
If you use those stupid Hydrometer, chances are, ur SG is at 1.030 and you are still thinking ur SG is perfect at 1.024.
I smacked my stupid Hydrometer when I got my refractometer and measured the tank at 1.030 when the hydrometer read at 1.024 and killed my Blue Tang.