everytime I do a water change!!!!

Thanks, Baron I totally agree with you. I'm going to start doing smaller w/c more often. The filter I use is a tap water filter by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Inc. There are no nitrates in the water b/c I test the water regularly. I've been having this problem for some time now and I'm very very pickey on the water I replace.


The original problem and the nitrates I think go hand in hand dad. Smaller and more frequent water changes. Less stress on the inhabitants. They are already being stressed enough by the trate level.
Since I don't have any fish it shouldn't be a problem. I thought that high nitrate levels aren't toxic? I know that anything that is too high would have an effect but is it notoxic or not?
I think Barron is right. You should lower the amount of water you change. And I think you should also invest in an RO unit. It's the only way to be sure. The nitrate problem you have is what is concerning me the most though. What are you feeding and how often if you don't have fish? This might be where to start looking at the Nitrate problem...
When you dose with calcium you should drip it...not add it the the water for the change and put it in all at once. I did a search on adding calcium, found one that said the Ph of the calcium water we make is 12-14 and if added too quickly can raise the Ph in your tank to intolerable levels. Take a look at some of the calcium post by doing a search, then evaluate how you are dosing your system. Just a thought.