eveything dying


New Member
I have had my 45 gal tank set up for about 1 year. The problem is that everytime I buy a fish it dies within 1 month to 4 month. I have about 25 lbs of live rock and a bristle star fish, live sand, and a curly Q anemome. My water test out great. I just dont know why my fish (yellow tang, coral beauty, copper butterfly, sweetlips) It is just the fish that die not the other things. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!


Sorry to hear about your losses. I guess the basic questions would be what kind of equipment do you have set up on your tank and did you acclimate the fish properly when they were introduced to the tank?


New Member
I have the millium 3000 filter system, as far as introducing the fish i float the bag and then put the fish in the tank and keep the lights turned off for a day, I just dont know what else to do. My brother says that I should tear down the tank and start over


New Member
Yes I do add water from my tank to the bag, however I never understood why I had to do that. Can you tell me? Thanks
it's good to add water to the bag where your new fish is because the fish will acclimate to your tank's salinity, ph, and all that other good stuff. These will ensure that your fish won't go into shock :p


Active Member
Sorry to hear of your bad luck,
My guess is that if some of your fish live 4 months, it's most likely not your acclimation procedure.
What do you have for water circulation, powerheads ? Are you providing enough suface agitation for proper gas exchange ?
Do you run the Millinium 3000 with the two air valves open or closed ? Are you getting a lot of air bubbles in your tank when running the wet/dry air valves open ?
How often are you cleaning the carbon/filter cartridges ?
What are you feeding your fish ?
Water changes schedule ?


what kind of sweetlips did you have? most that i have read about have been very very hard to get to stay alive and petwarehouse.com says some should only be kept in zoo, marine place, or reef experts