Eviction and moving day!

darth tang

Active Member
I finally decided. I tore down my aggressive set up and moved my seahorses into it. going to make a huge seahorse tank with other fish.
Here is the store though. lol
I pulled all the rock out and put it in tubs. I then started pulling out the crushed coral as since I was changing everything I may as well finally (after 4 years) change it to live sand since I had the live sand from the other tanks.while doing this I decided I should add water to the tubs of rock since I didn't know how long they might be out. When the tank was empty of obsticals I started bagging up the fish.
One snowflake eel, two scats, 1 green bird wrasse, 1 large neon velvet damsel, 1 choc starfish, 1 red nobby (general) starfish, and 1 marine betta.
Where is my Niger trigger? Looking, looking, looking, tank is empty...where is he? Check floor immediatley, not there. look in tubs of rocks taking out rocks to do this.......there he is....he had hid in a rock when I was transfering them,........good thing I added the water.
All fish bagged up in 45 minutes, a new record!!!!
On top of that, My LFS gave me full credit for all of them........sweet.
The tank is set back up with my seahorses now, but I lost my linkia in the transfer and my royal urchin.

I am down to three horses now as 2 were in quarantine and being treated for vibrio and one didn't make it.

But When I am done, this is going to be my only tank (besides the 10 my daughter has) and should be the best yet.................
150 gallon seahorse tank.....My girlfriend is excited already of the possibilities for tankmates...lol.


Active Member
Good luck with the SH tank.
How did you get the trigger out of the rock ?? They can lock themselfs in one pretty good.
I often think about swapping alot of my pets to try others but I cant bare the thought of being without them now. After 5 years with most of them. There like family. I could barely stand it when I had to remove a few bacause they out grew the tank.

darth tang

Active Member
The trigger actually came out on his own...
It was sort of sad.....but I will get over it. I was just tired of a 55 gallon seahorse tank and wanted a bigger one so I could have more options. I have moved out of my aggressive stage I guess and wanted to cut down on my electric bill anyway....lol down to one tank from 4 will do that.
and free up some space in the house.....


Active Member
i think a 150 s/h tank will give you so much more pleasure than an aggressive set up.
i was thinking of ditching my mini-reef and going with a s/h tank, but im very iffy.


Active Member
I just moved my horses to a 55 from a 29. How many SH's are you going to have in there?
Sounds cool...

darth tang

Active Member
Right now mine currently has one mandarin, 5 hermit crabs, 150 Nausarius snails, 1 mexican turbo snail, 3 peppermint shrimp, a sun coral (orange), red chile coral, some yellow polyps (not doing good after the move), one firefish, purple lobster, and 3 reidi horses. I have two more horses (reidi) on the way, 2 more fire fish, royal urchin, and a black sun coral on the way also. That is what will be added in the next two weeks or so.
I am thinking 3 more horses, maybe kudos, after that. A yellow watchman goby, 3 blue chromis, 2 false perc clownfish, and down the road a while a blue and orange linkia once the tank is settled.
I have a list of other small fish I am thinking of adding but haven't memorized it, and it isn't on me.


Active Member
Sounds like that is going to be a great tank! I think I might now have to move my horses back to their 29. Since I put them in the 55 I have been having major problems with the fish swiping the horses food out of their feeding bowl. I don't understand it because it's the same fish that were in the 29 and in the 29 the fish never once bothered the horses food. :notsure: I can see one of the seahorses eyes darting around like it's making her real nervous.So I guess I'll be moving them back to their old tank and they won't have any tankmates anymore.

darth tang

Active Member
What fish do you have with them? I used to have the same problem. I would feed the fish first and then while it was busy eating I would feed the horses. I don't use a feeding dish though. Never have. I believe this causes the horses to be "lazy" when it comes to food. I pour the mysis in and mine chase after it.


Active Member
I started using the feeding dish because when I just poured the mysis in the fish would get to it first. I have a black and white perc and a royal gramma with the seahorses. Before, they never touched the feeding dish but now, even if I feed them on the other side of the 55, as soon as they are done they high tail it to the seahorse dish (since the horses are such slow eaters) The one kuda dosen't seem to mind but the other one gets nervous. I just find it odd that the fish never did that before. Oh well, I don't mind moving the horses back.

darth tang

Active Member
how much mysis are you feeding at once? I put in two cubes each feeding and let it float around...the fish will get some, but the horses still get their fill this way. That is also why I have such a larg clean up crew. Something to consider.


Active Member
That is a good idea. I only give them one cube at once. Another reason I started using a feeding bowl was because with such a low flow I found that the uneaten mysis would just sit on the bottom and I would have to syphon it out. I definitely need to up my cleanup crew numbers. I've found that my snails don't do much of a job of cleaning up the mysis. Have you ever had hermits in with your seahorses? I've read that they aren't recommended.

darth tang

Active Member
I have 5 hermits in with my horses now. Never had a problem. I also a ton of Illnasarris snails. some eat algae, others eat the leftover shrimp. Then 3 peppermint shrimp and a purple lobster. Between all those guys, I have no leftovers in about 10 minutes.