Ex-UFC Fighter Beats up Woman Beater

crypt keeper

Active Member
if you watch closely its not Roger stomping on his head after he is down. There is a guy who enters the video in a grey shirt just after roger gets grabbed by his friend. Now Im not saying Roger didnt hit him but he didnt stomp on him. Now personally that dude could have been screaming for help and dying and I would had walked away after watching him sucker punch that girl. He could had done major damage to her. The guy is an easy 275 pounds and she is maybe 125 soaking wet. He punches her as hard as he can in the back of the head. I hope he gets shot one day walking down the street.


Sad part is, he will likely go to jail in addition to being sued.
A very good friend of mine was sentenced to a 10 year sentence for doing just what Roger did. He was a semi pro fighter and the court showed no mercy because he did seriously injure the man (which wasn't intentional). The woman who was knocked out cold in Shane's case, came to court for the prosecution. It was a huge miscarriage of justice!


Active Member
Yep, no different than if someone had pulled out a gun and shot the guy. If I were on the jury I wouldn't award thuggo a dime but I would have to find fighter guilty of assault. Had thuggo still been going after the girl it would be different.

crypt keeper

Active Member
how is it assualt? The moron fat boy engaged Roger. Roger did not not punch him without the guy knowing like the jackass did the girl. At that point it becomes two people knowingly entering a fight and its just a fight. Assulat charges would be brought forth on both parties and any sain judge would drop them then pursue first degree assualt on fatty for the girl hit. I have had it happen to me. Now the guy stomping on his head is trouble.

gill again68

Active Member
Head for and eye, I LIKE IT! If I were the judge I would laugh at the guy while I put him away. As for the fighter that stepped in someone should buy him a steak dinner! My .02!


Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
how is it assualt? The moron fat boy engaged Roger. Roger did not not punch him without the guy knowing like the jackass did the girl. At that point it becomes two people knowingly entering a fight and its just a fight. Assulat charges would be brought forth on both parties and any sain judge would drop them then pursue first degree assualt on fatty for the girl hit. I have had it happen to me. Now the guy stomping on his head is trouble.
Did you not watch the tape? "fatty" was walking away from his victim, "Roger" approached "fatty" and even had another bystander attempt to keep him away from the guy before someone who appeared to be his friend ran over and tried to stop it. Any judge with 20-20 eyesight will have to rule it was an assault unless there is some sort of plea deal. As distasteful as what "fatty" did it doesn't give anyone the right to retaliate.

crypt keeper

Active Member
all roger did was walk over. Nothing else. What 20/20 vision do you have that shows roger landing any punches? No contact was made what so ever on the film. The fatty was in the ready position. There was no assualt. The guy who in fact hits the dude is somebody else on film. Again the guy wearing the grey shirt. The fat dude then runs and you hear a smack at 50 to 51 seconds. Which is the very distinctive sound of somebody getting knocked out. Then you see the dude in the grey shirt stomping on fattys head. On film roger did nothing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
all roger did was walk over. Nothing else. What 20/20 vision do you have that shows roger landing any punches? No contact was made what so ever on the film. The fatty was in the ready position. There was no assualt. The guy who in fact hits the dude is somebody else on film. Again the guy wearing the grey shirt. The fat dude then runs and you hear a smack at 50 to 51 seconds. Which is the very distinctive sound of somebody getting knocked out. Then you see the dude in the grey shirt stomping on fattys head. On film roger did nothing.
All it will take is a couple witnesses willing to testify and the fighter is screwed. There is plenty in the tape to show intent. Not only does the fighter push toward the guy you can see him chasing after the guy a little later in the tape. Normally they don't cut pro's any slack but in this instance they might do a plea deal with the thug that would include he not press charges on the fighter, the dude did deserve what he got. Damn cell phone cameras anyway.