Excessice Celebrations: Football


Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
Yes, the fine was too low. I have no problems with a little dance or a creative spike. Sometimes these things grow if left unchecked...much like the TO spiking of the ball at midfield on the Cowboys Star. Where do your draw the line? Spike the ball do a little dance if you must and get the hell off the field.
The NFL has defined excessive celebration..this would fall within the spirit of the rules. This rule is no secret and was instituted/updated at the beginning of the 2004 season. No secret...fine is justified...whether the team received a 15 year penalty or not. Players are often fined by the league for hits, etc that did not daw a flag.
Fine is justified but too low in my opinion.
i love the celebrations...
and u think the fine was too low i dont think he should have been fined ... at all
i mean the touchdown celebrations are awesome (well at least most of them!)i think TO going to the star was too much but i think there should be a time limit for on the fiedl celebrations or something... like i think players should be able to whatecer they want to do on the sidelines .. like chad proposing to the cheerleaders :cheer:
i mean let the guys celebrate :cheer:


Active Member
Hey ScubaDoo...what about the Dirty Bird...or the Mile High Salute...or the Emmett Smith Ripping off of the Helmet (which is the reason why players cannot take thier helmet off on the field of play)
I dont mind the TD celebrations, its the non impactful plays that are celebrated that I dont care for i.e. ... when some one tackles a ball carrier that has just gained a yard or two, or a wide receiver that just caught an 8 yard pass that wasnt a TD or every single time Jerome Bettis touches the ball he does a leaning hop...these are ridiculous!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
It wasn't Teague it was Woodson.
it wasnt woodson its was coakley
I loved it though ........... I hate owens .. I hope my cowboys dont sign him
And i dont believe celebrating should be allowed , to the extent the players are going , like TO pulling out a towel and acting like a waitress
Spike the ball and get off the field , your a greater player if you do that , act like the role model your supposed to be , theres to much glamour in the league now , its a sport not a dance contest


Theres actually a show on ESPNnews about this. Its called 5 reasons you cant blame...anyway, there is one about why you can't blame TO for his excessive celebrations. Some reasons are BS, some have some merit. Good watch either way
Oh, and it was definitely George Teague