Excited setting up my new 140 gallon


New Member
Hello everyone, I am so excited I bought a used show piece tank the stand is about 34 inches the aqrylic tank is 48x24x28 . I bought it for $400 including a littel giant pump. The only thing is it did not have a overflow box, so what I did was take the 5 already drilled holes and made the far right and left the bulkheads the returns with a one way valve. And I made stand pipes out of 3/4 pvc for the drains that is where it drains in to the sump. I am debating on putting in a refugium what is the best way to set that up? I have a 30 gallon rubbermade for a sump. Any criticism or comments are appriciated.


That tank has great demensions. Looking forward to seeing it progress


New Member
Thanks, I also need any advice on the skimmer and anyother things I may need. Help me spend my money guys. Should I go aggresive or reef safe with corals. thios tank is in my bedroom any advice would be awsome


Well I'm also setting up a tank (90g). I going to use the Seaclone 100 protein skimmer and I'm going to go all reef safe with corals (no need for aggression). I'm in the process of making my own sump to save a few dollars, so yah you should try it the Coralife Super Skimmer Protein Skimmer. I believe you can buy one for $150 and it will be good for your tank.

eric b 125

why are you joining the 3 drains into one? how far are the drain bulkheads from the top of the tank-because should you have a power outage your tank will drain a whole lot if they are as far down as your picture shows. also, the ball valve on your drain line should always be kept 100% open, unless you want to stop the flow completely for cleaning or whatever. the flow should never be restricted on your drain- just your returns.
here's another option (as far as your picture goes): using that cluster of 3 bulkheads you could use the center as the drain and the two adjacent ones as the returns. you could use the other two holes as a closed loop.
can you post a pic of the tank? building an overflow box isnt hard and would be a good way to restrict the amount of drainage you would get in the event of an power outage. it would also help keep things from getting into your plumbing.


New Member
thanks fro the input but the 3 drains are about 2 inches from the top of the tank, I have already tested . And the sump does not over fill!!!! I put in a pic but its froma camera phone bad quality. I am so stoked I jusrt put in the black sand and filled the tank with water and ten punds of fiji rock!!!!!