Active Member
Quote:Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///t/392363/excuse-me-while-i-gouge-my-eyes-out-with-a-baseball-bat#post_3483462
How does the employer part come out of my pocket? When I was working for a salkary, I got paid a set wage. On my paystub, it showed the 7% - 7.5% deductions for SS and Medicare. THAT'S IT. No other money was taken out of my paycheck from my employer. So exactly where did I pay this other half of those taxes?
Social Security refers to the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) federal program.[sup][1] The original Social Security Act (1935)[sup][2][/sup] and the current version of the Act, as amended[3][/sup] encompass several social welfare and social insurance programs.
You need to quit watching Fox News with them telling you how Obama is going to turn this country into a Socialist state.
It's part of the cost of employing you, of course it comes out of your pocket. If you were not employed it would not be paid. The payment that is made is attributed to your social security account.
How does the employer part come out of my pocket? When I was working for a salkary, I got paid a set wage. On my paystub, it showed the 7% - 7.5% deductions for SS and Medicare. THAT'S IT. No other money was taken out of my paycheck from my employer. So exactly where did I pay this other half of those taxes?
Social Security refers to the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) federal program.[sup][1] The original Social Security Act (1935)[sup][2][/sup] and the current version of the Act, as amended[3][/sup] encompass several social welfare and social insurance programs.
You need to quit watching Fox News with them telling you how Obama is going to turn this country into a Socialist state.
It's part of the cost of employing you, of course it comes out of your pocket. If you were not employed it would not be paid. The payment that is made is attributed to your social security account.