Executive Branch

veni vidi vici

Active Member
I just listened to Obama proclaim he is going to tax the snot out of the banking/lending industry.
My question is,since when did the Executive branch of the federal government start writing legislation?
Just another step....... is anyone getting nervous yet?
"Ill be working closely with congress" For those who forgot or didnt know,the POTUS first job is to insure freedom/liberty.He is responsible to enforce the laws of the land.Congress write the laws,and SCOTUS shall make sure the laws are Constitutional.
These pompous S.O.B's are thumbing their noses at the basic fundamentals of our governmental structure.
I think im just burst a blood vessel.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
I just listened to Obama proclaim he is going to tax the snot out of the banking/lending industry.
My question is,since when did the Executive branch of the federal government start writing legislation?
Just another step....... is anyone getting nervous yet?
"Ill be working closely with congress" For those who forgot or didnt know,the POTUS first job is to insure freedom/liberty.He is responsible to enforce the laws of the land.Congress write the laws,and SCOTUS shall make sure the laws are Constitutional.
These pompous S.O.B's are thumbing their noses at the basic fundamentals of our governmental structure.
I think im just burst a blood vessel.

Sorry, but now you are complaining to just complain. Every other president has done the same when they want something passed.......

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Sorry, but now you are complaining to just complain. Every other president has done the same when they want something passed.......
UHHHH...Negative. Ive had enough of this "Do as i wish" attitude in Washington DC. Not just this Congress,Not just this President.They are just the last straw.
"Every other president...." sorry but thats a piss poor attitude. If you buy into the "Two wrongs dont make a right" wisdom then you would know what im talking about. Are you really content with the way things are?
Here is another for you"If you dont stand for something ,you'll fall for anything"

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
UHHHH...Negative. Ive had enough of this "Do as i wish" attitude in Washington DC. Not just this Congress,Not just this President.They are just the last straw.
"Every other president...." sorry but thats a piss poor attitude. If you buy into the "Two wrongs dont make a right" wisdom then you would know what im talking about. Are you really content with the way things are?
Here is another for you"If you dont stand for something ,you'll fall for anything"

If the President wasn't meant to use his influence in the creation of laws and policy within congress, why was he granted veto power?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
If the President wasn't meant to use his influence in the creation of laws and policy within congress, why was he granted veto power?
The POTUS has the power to deny a law but not to write one.
He can (a) sign it into law. (b) Veto it and sent it back with recommendations.(c) do nothing in which case after 10 days it becomes law.
Also if im not mistaken Congress can overide a veto with a 2/3rds vote of both chambers.
BTW The word"Veto" dosent appear in the Constitution
see:Article I Section 7

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
The POTUS has the power to deny a law but not to write one.
Correct, and I am sure someone else will write the bill that Obama wants...just as EVERY past president has had done..
Seriously...discuss and fight against the main issues...this little crap is what side tracks us...

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Correct, and I am sure someone else will write the bill that Obama wants...just as EVERY past president has had done..
Seriously...discuss and fight against the main issues...this little crap is what side tracks us...
The fight i choose to fight is getting back within the framework first then dismantle the rest of the "crap" that has been put in place.The circumventing of the Constitution IMO is the main issue.
These are some of the factors that are going to determine who gets my vote.


Active Member
Dude, The president has every right in the world to influence congress to create bills and every president has done so going back as far as I can remember.
What I am getting really tired of is the way Obama talks down to everyone. Anyone who bothers to listen to him has a pretty good idea what TARP is yet he feels the need to explain it to us, over and over and over and over.
Let me be clear, you need to fire your speech writer, or maybe listen to them.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Lets forget here for a second that the Tarp and all the Bailouts in general are un-constitutional,im pretty sure using taxes as punishment is un-constitutional as well and if its not it sounds like tyranny to me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Lets forget here for a second that the Tarp and all the Bailouts in general are un-constitutional,im pretty sure using taxes as punishment is un-constitutional as well and if its not it sounds like tyranny to me.
You need to dig up a copy of the book "Vultures in Eagles Clothing". You'd love it.
Using taxes as punishment goes against the spirit of the constitution but there is really no provision preventing it that I know of as long as it doesn't single out certain individuals.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
You need to dig up a copy of the book "Vultures in Eagles Clothing". You'd love it.
Using taxes as punishment goes against the spirit of the constitution but there is really no provision preventing it that I know of as long as it doesn't single out certain individuals.
Ill take a look at the book.
Obama was pretty close to pointing out individual "Banking Institutions"
I honestly think its more of a attempt to raise approval ratings and a intentional distraction then anything else.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
Ill take a look at the book.
Obama was pretty close to pointing out individual "Banking Institutions"
I honestly think its more of a attempt to raise approval ratings and a intentional distraction then anything else.
Everything going on is an obvious move to implement as much of the left's Socialist agenda before the 2010 elections. If (when?) this health care fiasco becomes law; the slogans will be "The Republicans will take away your health care!'" Of course, none of the health care stuff, except the taxes, kick in before the election. The lower Obama's poll numbers, the faster he moves.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Using taxes as punishment goes against the spirit of the constitution but there is really no provision preventing it that I know of as long as it doesn't single out certain individuals.
They've been doing it to smokers for years


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
I just listened to Obama proclaim he is going to tax the snot out of the banking/lending industry.
My question is,since when did the Executive branch of the federal government start writing legislation?
Just another step....... is anyone getting nervous yet?
"Ill be working closely with congress" For those who forgot or didnt know,the POTUS first job is to insure freedom/liberty.He is responsible to enforce the laws of the land.Congress write the laws,and SCOTUS shall make sure the laws are Constitutional.
These pompous S.O.B's are thumbing their noses at the basic fundamentals of our governmental structure.
I think im just burst a blood vessel.

Come on you're assuming too much. You really think Obama is the driver of all this, heel no. He is just the figurehead...