Exotic additions...


I have a 46-gallon bow-front tank that has 1 yellow tail damsel and 1 occ. clownfish. I was thinking about getting a 6-line wrasse but to my dissapointment found out that they can be a hit-and-miss with inverts...I am going to a nice fish store tomorrow and they have several 6-line wrasses, I'll have to see if they keep them in a tank with inverts. I want a tank that has fish other than the stereotypical fish...I think I will sell the blue damsel (or trade it in for store credit) and then the clown I am not sure what I want to do...either buy her a partner, or trade her in and buy a tomoto(s)...What'dya think? Any suggestions of not as common...(even just a tomatoe clown instead of a perc or occ.) ...fish that would work in my tank would be great. I like the way butterflies look..any hardier species? I think I will keep the chromis...


My 2 cents- you buy fish, you keep them. Why do people buy fish only to trade them in a few months later? no offense to anyone, just don't understand.


Thanks for the replies. I think I will risk it for a short time with a 6-line wrasse, I don't have a reef so nothing super valuable in my tank invert wise.


Active Member
Lunare wrasse and sixline wrasse are not really comparable in any way, so no worries there. Lunare wrasse would not be something you want.
Sixlines, like several other smaller types of wrasses and even dottybacks, hawkfish, etc do pose some risk to shrimp typically. Mine definitely has an attitude for sure, but so far the cleaner shrimp has been fine. Might that change? Yup, part of the excitement.
IMO, there is no butterfly suitable for that size tank. I have a 45 and wouldn't even consider it. The current clown might be less of a bully than the tomato clown down the road.


Thanks for your replies. I decided I will keep the occ. clown without buying a mate for her just so that I could have more of a variety of fish species. Thanks Oceana for the info on butterflys, no one had said anything 'til then, thanks!


Active Member
IMO get the clown a mate, much more fun to watch when they swim in pairs. As for unique fish there are many wrasse, goby and blenny species out there that add character to a tank. Some of the fairy wrasse have gorgeous colors.

edit: if you have a good relationship with the LFS let them no you are looking for something unusual. They can most likely order you something or give you a call if anything interesting comes in.