Exotic Pets


Active Member
Thank You!
I think the link thing is mainly for anything fish related..
I'm going to check it out right now.
I'm glad we got her too, when I first called about her they told me that another lady had called and wanted her, infact she called several times. For some reason I called the day after she was going to pick her up and they said she didn't show up. I feel it was fate that we recieved her, she is more precious to me than any of the wonderful jewels my hubby has ever given me.


Active Member
I used to have several of these. I tried breeding them but could never get the eggs to hatch. Not for not trying. This is not a pic of mine but its close in color. They do change color alot more than you think. If they get angry they turn dark black. This pic is its happy colors. If I was ever to convince my wife to have another reptile it would be this guy. They are really cool and they have good personality. Breeding them was fun too. You take the male to the female cage. If she changes colors to have blue green spots along her back then she is willing. The male runs...well as fast as these guys can go...to the female. Grabs her by the neck and does the thing. Well the fun part is that the second he's done you have to pull him away quick. She will kill him. About 60 days later she lays anywhere from 40-80 eggs.
O'yea the down side of these guys. They eat only live food. I used to mail order a box of 1000 crickest. I would have to keep them and feed them...When they die they stink. A cricket only lives about 8 weeks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by suzi1780
Maddie, my chin taking a bath

Maddie with her fav chew toy, a toliet paper roll

He/She's cute!! I used to have a chin just like that named Squeakers.


My homicidal (
) pitbull Dobie and his partner in crime Yoshi.

My Diamondback Terrapins Darwin and Nim (swimming in the back)