
i am wondering if anyone has any experience with a flame angel and a coral beauty together. any problems with them i have a 125 gal and i currently have a coral beauty. thanks :notsure:


Two angelfish will not coexist peacefully unless in a huge tank, I doubt 125 would still be large enough, especially with the flame's reputation of aggression.


Originally Posted by joojoo
Two angelfish will not coexist peacefully unless in a huge tank, I doubt 125 would still be large enough, especially with the flame's reputation of aggression.
i have a coral beauty and an eibli in a 75... going for almost 3 months now..
they eat together... chase the bubbles from my power head together and i wouldnt doubt that they sleep together lol... but i do agree with you on the aggression of the flame... IMO the flame is much more aggressive.
but the problem here is that you already have one dwarf in there that already has established itself in your tank... adding another one would not be very wise.


Active Member
I have a coral beauty, flame angel, and herald's angel together in a 180 and they pay each other no attention whatsoever. before my 180, I had the coral beauty and flame in a 110 and they paid each other no attention. as long as the coral beauty is either bigger or added first, I don't think you'd have a problem.
coral beauties are particularly peaceful, but I've never heard of flame angels having "a reputation for aggression". where did you get that from? I've had 2 different flame angels and they were 100% peaceful. in fact, one of them was picked on by a much smaller perc clown.

joe 09

the cb can be very aggresive.i added a koran that was 3x larger than the cb and he tail slapped the koran for about a week.you could try to catch the cb and place it in a q tank,add the flame than add the cb after a few weeks.my tank is 175 gal.i have a plastic fish trap that you can put a new fish in it and put the trap in the main tank, and see if no one bothers the new fish.leave the fish and trap in the main tankfor a while.you can remove the trap if there is a problem.i found that works.
do you get fish from SeaCritters/Bruce? I discovered him just in time, before I started stocking my fish/inverts. Is there anywhere else worth visiting? I have been to Coastline Petsupply, I get small things from there.
As for the angels question, if you get another, move stuff around so they will establish new territory. Be ready to pull one out if things get hairy. I want a flame angel, but am waiting a year for my tank to get established. Good luck.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Myrtle Beach
do you get fish from SeaCritters/Bruce? I discovered him just in time, before I started stocking my fish/inverts. Is there anywhere else worth visiting? I have been to Coastline Petsupply, I get small things from there.
As for the angels question, if you get another, move stuff around so they will establish new territory. Be ready to pull one out if things get hairy. I want a flame angel, but am waiting a year for my tank to get established. Good luck.
yes, I have gotten stuff from Bruce and Stephen (Coastline). I go mostly to Bruce's now. Bruce has better quality fish, Stephen has better quality corals (and knows more about corals than Bruce). Bruce is better on price. get most salt, additives, food, etc from Coastline. get pumps and light bulbs from online.
I got an orangeshoulder tang from Bruce that looked like it has been beaten half to death and was very malnourished. Bruce kept it QT'd for several months and now it's like a new fish. I've had it for about 5 months now.
none of the other stores around are worth going to. but there are some VERY good fish stores in Charleston, there about 4 stores that sell only fish and fish stuff.


Originally Posted by Pontius
coral beauties are particularly peaceful, but I've never heard of flame angels having "a reputation for aggression". where did you get that from? I've had 2 different flame angels and they were 100% peaceful. in fact, one of them was picked on by a much smaller perc clown.
My flame angel was the meanest I've ever seen and he went back to the LFS. Maybe I got a bad egg.

d0 thy d3w

im pretty sure ive heard on here that u could keep a pigmy angel such as a flame..along with a normally sized angel...if the tank was big enough..but i could be mistaken


I have a flame angel, coral beauty, and bi-color angel together in an 80 gallon FOWLR system.
They do great together, and exist peacefully.
Make sure you drip acclimate them and add them together.

d0 thy d3w

Originally Posted by Firstborn
I have a flame angel, coral beauty, and bi-color angel together in an 80 gallon FOWLR system.
They do great together, and exist peacefully.
Make sure you drip acclimate them and add them together.
sounds smart..otherwise if u added 1..then anotehr like a week or two later..the established 1 may pick on the other....just be sure u know for a fact that ur tank can handle more than 1 new fish entering suddenly like this


NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, and NO. Not a good Idea and for each good story there is at least 10+ bad stories. DON'T DO IT!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beatlesfan
NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, and NO. Not a good Idea and for each good story there is at least 10+ bad stories. DON'T DO IT!

where are all these bad stories? I've been on this site for over 3 years and I've seen about 10 good experiences with multiple angels for every 1 bad story. I've had at least 3 angels at a time almost from the time that I've been keeping sw fish, and they've never been a problem. in fact, if I wanted a 4th angel, I wouldn't hesitate to add one because the 5 different kinds I've kept so far are completely peaceful.


the bad stories aren't told as often, because people don't like to brag about their failures. with a 6 foot tank, you could have a smaller full-size angel or a tang or a butterfly instead of adding a fish that will probably be at risk.
if you want to add the two dwarf angels, like stated above, add them together. i would also recommend separate piles of liverock on each end of the tank to simulate two environments.


ok, let me get in on this...
currently, I have
1.rockbeauty angel
2. grouper
3.anteneta lion
they all co-exist together happily what if any other angel can I add without trouble? We have a 125.


Originally Posted by sexyfishers
ok, let me get in on this...
currently, I have
1.rockbeauty angel
2. grouper
3.anteneta lion
they all co-exist together happily what if any other angel can I add without trouble? We have a 125.
i would suggest any pygmy angel, as long as it is big enough not to be eaten by your grouper or lion.