
Originally Posted by Pontius
in this thread, that's 1 bad experience vs 4 good experiences. joojoo, you've got several posts in this thread, do you have any experiences with multiple angels, or are you just rehashing what you read in a book?
It was just a little joke? You seem to get defensive a lot.


Originally Posted by just fishings
Well you want your don't do it; I DID IT PERSON!!! I am here. I Have a 125 that had a coral beauty in it for about 3 months before I put the flame in. It lasted till the lights went out. The coral beauty tore it up. I put it in my Qt but will no luck. It was swimming side ways and everything else. I didn't have quite as much rock as you have but close. My oppinion is there is always luck and calm fish but I was told not to take the chance and I will tell you like they told me "they problably won't get along so why take the chance at losing a $40 fish if there is something else you like"! By the way they where both the same size; no one was king-kong...lol!

like stated before in this thread...
your chance of success reduces greatly if there is/was an already established angel in your tank(3 months)...
im not saying it always works, but if you add them at the same time your chances are way better.
If you have an already established pygmy in your tank... id pretty much say youre a damn fool for even trying it, but i wont.


Originally Posted by Pontius
sounds like your cousin killed them due to water quality or bad acclimation as it is not likely that 2 angels in that size tank are going to kill each other in less than a day. I had a royal gramma that jumped out the first night I brought him home. does that mean no one should keep royal grammas? either way, you didn't say your cousin actually saw them fighting, just that they were both dead the next day. sounds like a problem other than them killing each other.
though I did have my herald and flame in a 55 gallon QT for several months with no problems, I personally wouldn't keep 2 or more angels in a 90 gallon. but it does sound like that LFS is overly anal. but whoever accused most LFS of knowing what they're talking about anyway?
He had kept corals and an anenome for just over 6 months when he got it and they were all doing great. Also it was a 3 hour drip acclimation so I don't see anything wrong there. Also he couldn't find any other reason that they would die other than killing each other.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beatlesfan
He had kept corals and an anenome for just over 6 months when he got it and they were all doing great. Also it was a 3 hour drip acclimation so I don't see anything wrong there. Also he couldn't find any other reason that they would die other than killing each other.
and also, no mention of them of them fighting. highly unlikely that they killed each other in less than a day.
I have had many fish that died in the first few days while all other animals in the tank were fine. and none of those deaths were due to fighting.


any suggestions to why they died then? An I am just telling of my cousins experiance so it may not always turn out this way buti still wouldn't do it.