Experience with Sharpies


I was wondering who here has practical experience with keeping Sharpies (Atlantic Sharpnose Shark), in home or private aquaria.
I know a lot about them. General biological data, approximate recommended tank size - general water temp range. Stuff like that.
I've been told by some that they are very hard to keep alive. But then I've also been told by others that they're fairly easy(similar to a blacktip).


Sharpies are described as voracious feeders, tempermental, and even slightly high strung.
This could explain - why some people have problems attempting to keep them - while others have great success.


Active Member
You say you know alot about them...give alot of info yourself...answer your own posts and still claim to want info.
I'm not sure how much more info you're gonna get, dude. If there was anyone here, that was keeping Sharpies, they certainly would've already posted.
mattiej hasnt posted here in quite a long time.


I know about wild sharpies, and I about the internet research I've done.
And yes - I talked to a few people that have actually kept them. None so far over a year.
I've even talked to people who work in public aquariums. I seems most public aquariums have a difficult time keeping sharpies alive for more than 6 months.
But this could be due to being startled (by crowds), or just difficulty in the acclimation process.
Mattiej is the one I really want to talk to most.
I've even tried his website, and researching his posts on this and other forums.
It helps some - but doesn't answer all the questions.


Active Member
It is too bad he hasnt been around much, lately.
The last he was around, was right after he had opened the 35,000gal lagoon, in his house and he and his wife had just had a new baby boy. That was aprox. 6 months ago. I'm sure he's just been being pulled in 10 different directions.


That's sad that mattiej -isn't around.
but I guess with his business, family, and sharks.
Still I've hear some other suggest it very possible to keep sharks - while other suggest not.
In the space that I have available for a shark pond/tank - it not large enough to house blacktips/or blacktip reefs to adulthood.
But the sharpies is a different story. The amount of space I have currently available is large enough to possible house an oval shaped pool up to 5,000 gallons(at 4-4.5' deep).
Plus sharpies around here are about a couple hundred bucks each(if you buy them from a dealer). Verses nearly a thousand for a single blacktip reef.


Active Member
mattiej is a great, great resource, to those of us that are hoping/wanting to keep sharks. He never did get pics posted of his new lagoon.
Someone, on here, has a very large, premade, round stock tank...1000gal+, if I remember right. He had pics posted and all...cant remember his name and I'm on vacation, in FL, at the moment and dont really want to take the time to search for the thread.
Once I find a new place, I'm hoping to build a rectagular pond (1000 - 1500gal) and house Whitespotted Bamboos and maybe Sharpies.
I helped out with the Banded Cat Shark breeding program, at Shedd Aquarium, in Chicago, 2 years ago. Those things were pumping out eggs like there was no tomorrow.


From the posts I've read of Mattiej's - he's got a lot of useful info.
Even though I presently have the room - I don't presently have the available funds - yet. Hopeful I will by summertime.
Since I live about 45 minutes to 1 hrs drive from the coast - I get to go surf fishing fairly often. I've have caught sharpies - from neonates to adults(about 40").
But never attempted to bring any back alive, before. Mostly just catch & release.
From late spring to late summer - sharpies are every where along our southeastern coast.


i sent mike an email explaining who you were and what you wanted but he shouldn't respond untill next monday or so considering him and his wife split up and she took the computer (which is BS) but he gets on at work. i have his phone # around here someware ill try to call him after 9 when i get free mins.


Active Member
Oh damn...so much for him being too busy to get online, because of the lagoon and his new kid.
That sucks.


sean( mattiej) never gets online anymore, god only knows what hes doing but i "suspect" he has a handfull with his kid. probbly teaching him about sharks allready. thats what i would do. i have his phone # someware also so ill call.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sebae09
sean( mattiej) never gets online anymore, god only knows what hes doing but i "suspect" he has a handfull with his kid. probbly teaching him about sharks allready. thats what i would do. i have his phone # someware also so ill call.

Oh, oh, oh...I was thinking you meant mattiej was the one getting divorced.


Originally Posted by sebae09
i sent mike an email explaining who you were and what you wanted but he shouldn't respond untill next monday or so considering him and his wife split up and she took the computer (which is BS) but he gets on at work. i have his phone # around here someware ill try to call him after 9 when i get free mins.

Hey Coty
Did you guys get the e-mails I never heard back? I should have a computer back at the house in the next few weeks. I have been so slammed at work that I have not spent much time on here. I am planning going fish in the next few weeks but I really just want to get a few more rays. Becuase my pond is around 900 gallons and it is not big enough IMO for even a small shark but the rays I caught 4 months ago are doing great.


mike, yeah me and krj got them, thanks for replying. but im planning a trip april 9-15th if you guys want to come, im just telling you ahead of time. its good to know the rays you caught are doing well. talk to you soon.


It may be possible to keep a neonate sharpie in a 900 gallon pool for up to 1 yr. Although I wouldn't recommend keeping it in there beyond the 1st year.
There was a study done at UNC- Wilmington - where they tested the growth rates of neonate sharpies, about 3 years ago. They caught several neonates and kept them in several small pools (about 600 gallons). Each pool had about 3-4 sharpies per pool.


mikes about to start his 16000 gal pond, well he was last we had a chance to talk. he wont have any problems with that one.


Originally Posted by sebae09
mikes about to start his 16000 gal pond, well he was last we had a chance to talk. he wont have any problems with that one.

I would think that would be big enough