Experienced Coral Beauty users!!!


Active Member
i have a 125 mixed reef. currently i have only a school of chromis in the tank. want to add a diamond watchman goby and a coral beauty, before i go to some tangs. with tangs and other fish can i possible go with a coral beauty. i know the main answer is it goes either way. im not new to this, but this is not a regular newbie question. this is for the ones that have or had one. i really want the horror and success stories. so ya or na on this?!?!!


horror, ate my xenias, after a year she started harrassing tank mates, a bullet goby, clarkii clown and a red lipped blenny. they get more bold the longer you have them
success, they are hardy, eat well, pretty and active


Originally Posted by grubsnaek
i have a 125 mixed reef. currently i have only a school of chromis in the tank. want to add a diamond watchman goby and a coral beauty, before i go to some tangs. with tangs and other fish can i possible go with a coral beauty. i know the main answer is it goes either way. im not new to this, but this is not a regular newbie question. this is for the ones that have or had one. i really want the horror and success stories. so ya or na on this?!?!!
I wouldn't. I have never witnessed a true horror story, but any are bound to nip. Stay away from angels. CB's are about the most gentle angel but it is better to steer clear from the angels. I have had CB's but not in my home tank. From what I saw at my LFS, they can be nippy toward fish introduced after them. They are great fish but can be territorial as well.


Mines only a few weeks into my tank, but he pretty much keeps to himself. Always swimming between the rocks, nipping on every spot he comes to. I only have leathers and mushrooms, but he doesn't bother them at all.


Active Member
The coral beauty will be fine with those fish - but likely not okay with corals. It's hit or miss - some people keep them without much trouble, but often it's just a matter of time. I ditched my coral beauty when he decided to take a chunk out of my elegance coral


like i said, mine was a sweetie pie for the first year, then i noticed her tail slapping everyone which then led to out right attacks!
she kept my bullet goby in a corner and wouldnt even let him come out to eat and he was twice the size of her. the clown could deal with it but some gentle species cannnot.
my CB now is in a tank with a baby hippo tang, the tang messes with her all the time, he must see her as a threat. space isnt an issue either since the tank is 220 gallons

theres an oddball in every bunch
i just added a colt coral, hopefully she wont mes with it, if she nip well that will leave me with colt babies all over the tank


ive had mine for about 3 months and have no problems with corals or inverts the only thing i ever see is sometimes when the other fish are cruzin around it will chase them but it seems like its more playful than aggressive. other fish include: 4 inch marroon/gold clown, yellow wrasse, perc clown, royal gramma, mand. gobie etc. its a full reef setup loaded with inverts and corals i would just suggest keep it feed and happy.


yep at three months they are still "angels"
anyone have one over a year and is still innocent?
its the year mark ive found that they change for the worse


Active Member
My coral beauty is a devil in sheep clothing. I have had mine for over 2 yrs, and any and all new introductions to the tank are harrassased. This is to include snails, crabs, new coral, and of course any fish. The tank is hers....no if ands or buts. (She shares this ownership with my other devil spawn, a cinnamon clown.)

She doesn't touch any coral, as far as picking at them, but put a new one in the tank and I usually find it upside down in the morning.
It takes a good week before she gets tired of it, and then leaves it alone. She is very strong for her size.
Would I do it again.......absolutely. Mine is very animated, and cruises the entire tank, in and out of the rockwork. I would add it last, as far as the fish though. She is very mean to any newcomer. This is why it is important to quarantine any new fish....to fatten them up, because she will make sure feeding time is miserable for the newcomer.


Active Member
I have had my CB for about 4 months and have seen no issues. I have Kenya tree corals, Xenia, Zoas, Digitata, Moon coral and maze coral and has never nipped at any of them. Other tankmates are a Pacific blue tang, Yellow tang, and 2 false percula clowns.


Ive owned 2 Coral Beautys, just have 1 now, but in both experiences... they NEVER bothered any corals whatso ever... or other tankmates...
i would highly recommend this fish, they are so beautiful. and also, this fish is very very hardy.
in both experiences they never bothered anything new added to tank.
corals i have-
7 kinds of Zoas
Evergreenstar polyps
bubble coral
fox coral
Finger colt coral
Leather Toadstool
Pulsating Xenia
Bubbletip Anenome
Hydnophora Horn Coral
Purple mushrooms
Green fuzzy mushrooms
Pagoda cup coral
Trumpet coral.
Never bothers any of that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by natclanwy
I have had my CB for about 4 months and have seen no issues. I have Kenya tree corals, Xenia, Zoas, Digitata, Moon coral and maze coral and has never nipped at any of them. Other tankmates are a Pacific blue tang, Yellow tang, and 2 false percula clowns.

i agree. mine is probably about 7 months old (yes, that is still not mature) but i rarely see any damage to any of my softies. maybe some of my xenia or anthelia shows damage once in a while, but i cannot pin that on the CB, nor do i truly care about the two corals.
it is a little more territorial towards newcomers but gets over it a couple days later.


Active Member
it all depends on the individual personality of your fish. Personally my cb is nice and mellow and his best friend, (ok not really but they do get along and swim together) is the flame angel. They have been together for 5 months. That is something you aren't supposted to do, as for being a little terrorist. He has been fine, so has my flame angel. But they are the small fish in the tank.