Experienced Freshwater Hobbyist interested in starting with saltwater!


New Member
I have had 2 large freshwater tanks for nearly a year and I have learned a great deal about fresh water. However I know nearly nothing about saltwater tanks but I am very interested in getting started.
So far, I am looking at a 29 gallon saltwater starters kit from *****, and I am wondering what fish I should be looking at for that size of a tank, as well as a type of fish good for beginners like myself.
I would appreciate any advice someone might have to offer.
Thank you for your help.


well are you going to do corals and fish or just fish only for the fish clowns, cardinals, dottybacks,gobies
DO NOT GET A DAMSEL BAD BAD FISH !!!!!!!!! will kill your other fish!!!! mean and the dottybacks are mean to put them in last if you would get them saltwaterfish web site has that size of tank the fish can go in


Active Member
There is an exception to the damsel family. Blue and Green chromis are very docil.
They are "noob" fish. A few of these would look good, since they school.
If its covered, i would recommend a lawnmower blenny(they are jumpers). LOADS of personality.
Lives off algae, and as a new to SWF your gonna have lots!
Best yet each one is different! I promise you, they behave like any other household pet.
They have feelings, and will really open up to you over time. My dad has the coolest one!
He does little dances for you, and insists on having everyone pay attention to him. He gets jealous of the corals because people look at them more sometimes. If that happens, he swims up to the front of the tank adn flexes his fins, and whips sand at the corals in disgust. After he sees your looking at him, he will go take a couple bits of algae, and then perch on a rock satisfied. For $20 you can find em all over.
Ill keep an eye on this thread for a few days, and try to help answer any questions I can.


Active Member
check local listings on craigslist and see if u can pick up a used salt water setup for cheaper. and it will usually come with more goodies

shrimpy brains

Welcome to SWF!
I know this wasn't your question, but please do some research. If you buy and setup your tank today, it will take several weeks to couple of months before you should add any fish!
Please, read the stickies in the new hobbyist section and feel free to ask any questions.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Shrimpy Brains
Welcome to SWF!
I know this wasn't your question, but please do some research. If you buy and setup your tank today, it will take several weeks to couple of months before you should add any fish!
Please, read the stickies in the new hobbyist section and feel free to ask any questions.
Excellent advice.
Two quick comments: a 29 gal is a very small SW tank. It really limits your fish options and makes water quality control more difficult. ***** usually has a 55 set-up as well and I'd really try that instead---if the extra cost is acceptable. You'll get hooked and want to upgrade soon anyhow, so go as big as your budget allows. Also, ***** is fine for supplies; but (IMO) not a place you want to go for any livestock of serious advice. (I know, there are a few exceptions.)