Experiences With Powder Blues


Hello all I am in a very depressed state right now. Yes last night no apparent reason( possibly age?) my hippo tang bit the dust. I am so sad! Escpecially since tomorrow my live rock from gulf view is coming and i was planning on building a buch of new caves for him. Well anyways i want to get a powder blue to replace my hippo. I know they are very prone to ich but this weekend i am gonna pick up a cleaner shripm especially for him when i get him. How are they in reef tanks and how big was urs when u got him. If possible i really want to get a small 2 inch one. They do like seaweed selects right??? My hippo tang really never seemed interested in eating the green seaweed selects. Thanx for any replies ~RYAN~


Ita a 75 with 50 lbs of live rock and 20 lbs of live sand. All readings are at 0 and SG is 1.023.
Other fish are tomato clown occelaris yellow tail blue damsel and valentini puffer

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
That sounds fine. Finding a good specimen is always important, but becomes even more important with certain species. The powder blue is one. Once settled they do well, but keep in mind that this fish does not handle stress well and should be allowed to settle after coming from halfway around the world. Look for a settled specimen that has a full body with no signs of disease. It should swim around curiously and eat well. It shouldn't be skiddish and unaware of what's going on. Look around for a good one. The only problems they have in reef tanks is that they are very prone to diseases that are relatively easily cured with hyposalinity treatments and other meds but that cannot be offered in a reef tank, and trying to catch one to put in a QT tank often leads to more stress. It's doable as long as you have this in mind, but I wouldn't. They are a kick *** fish though.


I had a powder blue until just recently. he was very hardy. had him to the point of eating out of my hand. unfortunatly I went out of town and had someone watch my fish and he was one of several that parished in the event They do very well in reefs I had mine in a 37 reef and he absolutely loved it. Loved picking the algae off the rocks. He had grown considerably since I had 1st purchased him. I have been told by several people he was an exception to the rule. He took right off in my tank. You really need to keep an eye out for a good fish in this case. I am still looking. Good luck on your hunt. As everyone said be very careful on your choice.


A 75 is too small in my opinion for a pbt. How much rock did you order from gulf view? Do not add any fish especially a powder blue until after your rock has cured. I hope you did not intend to put it directly in your tank with fish in it because you will have die off. A powder blue should only be added to a well established tank and kept by experience aquarist. They can become quickly covered with ick that no amount of cleaner shrimp will help. You really should reconsider a pbt purchase until you do much more research.


I have one in a 200gal 7foot tank. I wouldn't put one in anything less than a 6 foot tank. they need a lot of swimming room. They don't sit around much in one area, they like to swim from one end to the other. Mine is a very active and hardy fish, always nipping at the Seaweed Selects in the vege clip on each pass. He is 6" and was fat when I got him, even more now. He settled in quickly and got comfortable coming out in view after about a week. He hangs with a yellow tang, they are best buds! :D