expert fragging question


Active Member
i am going to be recieveing a frag of about 5 polyps for 100 dollars which means every polyps i frag is worth 20 dollars.what would you reccomend for getting the zoo's off of the rock the easiets besides slicing the mat with a razor?i heard about a chisel?


Active Member
What type of zoo's are you getting? Blues, PPE's?
You can take a small flathead screwdriver and hammer and chisel the rock underneath.


Active Member
Are they just going to be on a small rock? If so just glue the rock where you want them and they will probably, quickly mat over the rocks etc. I would even try it with 100 bucks worth of polyps...


Active Member
Personally, I wouldn't do anything until they have been in your system and happy for awhile. Let them get over any stress. If they are far enough apart you can use a hammer and chisel, if not, use a rock next to them and wait for them to grow.
I don't like razors, I might slip and you will only have 5 chances to get it right.:nervous:


Active Member

Originally posted by dburr
Personally, I wouldn't do anything until they have been in your system and happy for awhile. Let them get over any stress.

I strongly agree with this especially if, judging by your new title, they are PPE's. Don't attempt to make your money back in the first month, some people don't always have the best luck with PPE's.