Just wanted to put my opinion into this discussion. I have have been in the hobby for over 4 years. I have a 75 gallon reef set up and a 300 gallon FOWLR and softies in the basement. When I began the hobby I quarentined every fish that went into my 75 gallon tank. Man was that a pain in the butt. It is hard to maintain perfect water quality in a quaretine tank. The PH is the most difficult thing to maintain and also on of the most important. Now I swore I would never Quarentine again because the last time I did it I almost killed the fish because I could not keep the water quality up to par. Prior to the 300 gallon tank I had a 180 that I stocked from fellow hobiests. I felt that because I was getting the fish from a person that took care of them instead of a store I had a better chance of keeping an ick free tank.......WRONG!!!!! After putting in a couple yellow tangs and a hippo tang and sailfin tang I noticed they all had ick. Even my dog faced puffer was COVERED.....To much trouble to remove all those fish and put them in a QT. Most of the fish are at least 8 inches or more. So I added a couple cleaner gobies and a cleaner wrasse. I began to feed food soaked in vitamin c and garlic. While in the 180 the fish all cleared up and showed no signs of ick for at least 4 months. Now I decided to upgrade and went to a 300. I did the transfer to the new tank using all the rock I had in the 180 and some of the sand. Knock on wood all went well did not have a single casualty. Not even an ick outbreak. The 300 was up for about 2 weeks and I decided to try my luck with an achilees tang. Even though I swore I would never QT a fish I did with the Achilees. The person I got the achilees from had him for 2 weeks and had him in copper the entire time. I got the fish and put him in the QT. I had him in the QT for 2 weeks he was eating and did not have a single spec on him. I decided to move him to the 300. All went well with the move not a single fish bothered him. Not even my bully sailfin tang. He swims all over the tank and eats real good. But guess what........I noticed he has ick.......He is still eating and I am soaking some Purple seaweed in garlic and vitamin c. Hopefully he can fight it off just like the others did. OK so now for my opinion on ick. If you feed a well balanced vitamin enriched diet the fish will be healthy enough to not get ick. If you have a fish that is not eating and gets ick either remove the fish and treat it or let nature take its course. I have also recently started making my own fish food that the fish all seem to love. I hope with the good diet and vitamin soaked seaweed the achilees will pull thru. I don't think we will ever understand the science behind ick the only thing we can do is use nature against nature. OK I have said enough sorry.........