explanation of the whole nitrogen cycle needed urgently!!!


hi everybody! I'm really hoping that some people here maybe understand the whole nitrigen cycle from the start (ammonia) to the total end through the live rock and such (nitrogen gas)
I have to write a six page chemistry paper for my 1010 course and I was going to write about the nitrogen cycle since I'm pretty sure I'm familiar with everything until the aerobic bacteria comes into play. I haven't been able to find any info online either about that part. Help!!!!!


I can help. Give me a little bit and I will post up some stuff. If you can wait until Monday I will post up a diagram explaining the whole thing.


Active Member
There is definitely stuff online, or in any bio textbook. Look up the nitrogen cycle, nitrification and denitrification.
BTW, the aerobic bacteria are the first thing to come into play :confused:


New Member
BAsically, Ammonia that is given off by organisms in the tank is converted to nitrites and then nitrates by bacteria. Biological filtration(live rock) consumes oxygen and produces acid as a by product. If the nitrogen cycle works as it should all that remains when the bacteria is done with the inorganics is CO2, and minerals. This process is easy enough.
During the anaerobic parts(denitrification) bacteria reduces the nitrate to nitrogen gas. This gas escapes the tank into the air. This happens on the surface of the live rock and substrate. It basically breaksdown nitrates(NO3) into elemental nitrogen. Most of the anaerobic conditions exist deep in the substrate while aerobic conditions occur in the water column.
Thats a quick explanation. I hope some of it helps!