exposed skeleton

unfortunately i am sure it is a goner
i found a few star polyps on it tho that I may try to keep
a few more lessons learned...the hard way
thanks for the advice
just checked out your web site broomer
Nice looking tank!
My Red Open Brain never looked anywhere near that good!
Probably my whole problem in the first place. I was actually looking for a green metallic open brain when I got that one.
Thanks for your advice.
I'll resaerch some more and give it some time to see what transpires in my tank, then try again:confused:


Hey Reef,
Thats quite a nice tank You have! Sorry to hear about your brain that last pic sure didn't look good :( I wish you luck with the next one!


Can you put it in a quaratine tank? I bought a rubble coral shell and had 2 brains on it that had massive skeleton showing when i 1st started this hobby. I knew it was dead and part of the rubble coral. After 2 months the entire thing came back, but I killed it by accident when I had a minor tank crash.
Thanks Bill,
I stare at the damn thing all the time. LOL Hell, I even stare at my refugium:D
I think I am going to try to put it in my refugium (away from everything else in my tank) since I have no QT and either it lives and comes back or becomes a nice piece of live rock (expensive live rock i should say). It doesnt smell bad so who knows? Maybe it was my hippo.