Exposing Gorgonians to air is lethal ?


I have a few Gorgonians and I did not know they cannot be exposed to air I belive they have been exposed for a small time when I moved them and they are fine alive and thriving thier white polyps are always extended when they are hungry and they look great. However 1 second of air exposure to a sponge would be lethal.


Active Member
I agree that exposure to a sponge can be lethal. I could be wrong but I don't think a gorgonian is a sponge. They might be related but it is not a sponge in the technical aspect of what qualifies a "sponge". That being a filter feeder that has no polyps but lets water flow through it to feed. Sponges also can be torn apart into teeny tiny little parts and ever single little part can grow into a new animal.


I've exposed them to air when drip acclimating them it had no ill effects whomever posted originally that you can not expose deeps sea yellow gorgonians was not accurate.