External Refugium for BioCube?


Just wondering, has anyone on here ever made one? I ran into a guy today that said he made one for his 29G BioCube and sits in the stand under it (or near it..or something like that.)
Anyways, we didn't get much time to talk so I wanted to check on here if anyone has done something of the sorts?


Active Member
i found this HOB Refugium for 40 bucks. it brings the bulb and 66 gph pump. dimensions: 10X8X3.5

this is perfect for a 29g biocube. ima put it in mine on the left side hanging.


i wish i could tell you where i saw it but i saw someone that had one on a 29gal biocube looked pretty cool but other than that i cant tell you any more unfortunately good luck!


I built one into the back of my BioCube.
Nissan I though you did too? And how does that attach to the cube?


I'll have to PM you a link. It's got some info on a guy who built a pvc overflow, and fit a 5.5 gal fuge in the stock biocube stand.
Oops, you'll need some more post before I can PM you, PapaJT.


Active Member
yeah there was a guy over on NR that rigged up a PVC overflow down to a 5.5 gallon fuge in the cabinet bottom. Had the return come up over the back and over chamber 3 directly into the display.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bdhb12
I built one into the back of my BioCube.
Nissan I though you did too? And how does that attach to the cube?
i did. and still there. but this goes on the side of the bio cube and the return pump holds on the glass and pumps water in the Fuge and comes out by the side.


Here's the pic. I think I first came across it searchink for a pvc overflow. Bdhb12, I'll send that PM soon. Spanko's right, it's on the NR site.