Extra food for the clean up crew?


New Member
I have ordered a reef package with hermits, snails and a few peppermint shrimp. I also ordered a algae blenny. Mt tank doesn't have an algae problem yet. I am worried I won't have enough to keep everyone fed. I heard about using the sheets they use to make sushi to supplement the algae. Anyone heard of this? Do I need to be worried about getting enough food for the clean up crew?


Active Member
if you feed the clean up crew they will wait for the feedings instead of eating the algae and detrius. as far as the blenny...you might want to get some spirnilla (sp?) algae flakes.


New Member
I ordered one of the packages for my 65 gal tank with only a couple damsels in it now. Seems like a lot to add at one time, but it is sold as a recommended package for this tank size. Other thank keeping a eye on water quality and staying on top of changes any issues with adding it all at once?


New Member
inverts add almost no load to the tank at all, you can add just about anything you want without having a problem, think of it loke this 1 yellow tang does more for the bio load then 100 snails


New Member
I assumed it wouldn't be too bad or they wouldn't sell it that way. Stranger things have happened. Thanks